Parts of a Map There are five parts of a map. Title Key (or legend) Scale Compass Rose Grid System What part is NOT on the map on the next slide?
Title tells what the map is showing Always look at a map’s title first. It will tell you what the map is showing you. For example: rainfall map, population map, physical features map, and political map
Key or Legend explains symbols The key or legend explains what the symbols on a map mean. The most used symbol is color. For example, blue means water on most maps.
Scale measures distance Maps are made to scale. That means there is a direct connection between a unit of measurement on the map and the actual distance. For example, each inch on the map represents one mile on Earth. So, a map of a town would show a mile-long strip of fast food joints and auto dealers in one inch.
Compass Rose shows direction A compass is a tool that helps the user know what direction one is headed. On a map, a compass or a compass rose helps the user locate these directions.
Types of Directions The cardinal directions are north, south, east, and west. (N, S, E, W) The intermediate directions are northeast, southeast, southwest and northwest. (NE, SE, SW, NW) They help describe the location of places in relation to other places.
Grid System used to locate places on a map There are two main lines that make up the grid system – latitude and longitude. Latitude and longitude are measured in degrees. The symbol for degrees is When listing latitude and longitude you always list latitude first, then longitude. It should look like this example - 45 N, 62 E. A comma goes in between the 2 numbers.
“A Way To Find Where You Are Latitude & Longitude “A Way To Find Where You Are on the GLOBE!”
Latitude & Longitude Coordinates Latitude and longitude are imaginary lines that make it easy to find a location on a map. Latitude and longitude are two numbers that pinpoint the location of places on the surface of the earth.
A Sphere may be cut in Half Horizontally Creating 2 Hemispheres. The Dividing Line
The Imaginary Dividing Line is Called the Equator Equator - 0° Latitude
Northern & Southern Hemispheres Latitude lines above the equator are callednorth latitude. They are in the northern hemisphere. Those below the equator are called south latitude. They are in the southern hemisphere
Remembering Latitude The horizontal lines are parallels of latitude. Notice latitude lines are smaller at the top & bottom. They look like the rungs on a ladder (the part you step on). Sing to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus”: I'm climbing the Ladder of Latitudes, latitudes, latitudes I'm climbing the ladder of latitudes, all around the world.
Latitude The equator is at 0° latitude. Degrees of latitude are numbered from 0° to 90° north and south to the both poles. While latitude lines run E and W, they are measured N and S because of the equator being their starting point.
More on Latitude Each of the latitude lines are approximately 69 miles apart. They are also known as parallels because they never touch.
“Things That Make You Go L O N G I T U D E “Things That Make You Go HMMMMM?”
If a Sphere is Cut in Half Vertically, the Western & Eastern Hemispheres are Created The Dividing Line
The Imaginary Dividing Line is Called the Prime Meridian Prime Meridian 0° Longitude
Prime Meridian The prime meridian goes through Greenwich, England at 0° Longitude
Eastern & Western Hemispheres Longitude meridians to the left of the prime meridian are called west longitude. They are in the western hemisphere. Those to the right of the prime meridian are called east longitude. They are in the eastern hemisphere
Remembering Longitude Longitude meridians are all long. They do not change in size.. Sing to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus”: It's a LONG, LONG way from pole to pole, pole to pole, pole to pole It's a LONG, LONG way from pole to pole, so we call those LONGITUDES
More Longitude While longitude lines run N and S, they are measured E and W because the Prime Meridian is the starting point. They are also known as meridians.
Steps Check whether it’s in the northern or southern hemisphere. Determine its latitude. Check whether it’s in the eastern or western hemisphere. Determine its longitude. 5. Use the correct punctuation and capitalization when writing your lat/long.