Searching and browsing film archives – The European Film Gateway approach Cultural Heritage 2009 Cairo, Egypt 6-8 December 2009 Pasquale Savino – ISTI-CNR.


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Presentation transcript:

Searching and browsing film archives – The European Film Gateway approach Cultural Heritage 2009 Cairo, Egypt 6-8 December 2009 Pasquale Savino – ISTI-CNR Franca Debole – ISTI-CNR Georg Eckes - DIF

growing number of digitisation projects and repositories of digital collections need for a registry of collections, items and film-specific authority files on a trans-institutional, trans-national level Lack of common standards for database & record structures suitable for the needs of film archives need for common interoperability standards flickr, youTube etc. influence user expectations, digital libraries initiatives are on their way challenge for film archives to go along lack of knowledge and best practices when it comes to dealing with IPR issues in the context of web-based access need to join experiences Initial Situation: Why a European Film Gateway?

Goals and Objectives: What is EFG supposed to achieve? build a digital showcase for collections of Europes film archives and cinematheques Moving images: Films and film clips, trailers etc. Images: Posters, images, stills, drawings etc. Text material: Reviews, correspondance, censoship documents etc. Sound material: Interviews etc. make collections accessible through a common access point create a registry of digital objects and filmographic authority records link Europes film archives and cinematheques with Europeana and operate as an Aggregator for Europeana make more than photographs, posters, texts, audio documents, films and film clips covering more than 100 years of film history accessible by 2011

Objectives Defining a metadata schema which is able to describe the complexity of EFG data structures, relationships, and content and that can support search and browsing capabilities Joining archives and filmographies and support export of complex metadata structures (OAI-PMH) Cleaning and consolidating data from heterogeneous sources Enriching content (tagging archival resources and filmographic editing) Clearing rights where necessary

Providers of Content Deutsches Filminstitut – DIF (coordinator)FrankfurtDEU Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu do cinemaLisbonPRT Cineteca del Comune di BolognaBolognaITA Det Danske FilminstitutCopenhagenDNK Filmarchiv AustriaViennaAUT Istituto LuceRomeITA La Cinémathèque FrançaiseParisFRA Lichtspiel - Kinemathek BernBernCHE Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybés ArchyvasVilniusLTU Magyar Nemzeti FilmarchívumBudapestHUN Národní Filmový ArchivPragueCZE NasjonalbiblioteketOsloNOR Nederlands FilmmuseumAmsterdamNLD Tainiothiki tis ElladosAthensGRC Providers of Infrastructures, Services, and Technologies Association des Cinémathèques Européennes (initiator)Frankfurt/BrusselsDEU/BEL CNR-ISTIPisaITA EDL FoundationThe HagueNLD Eremo srlCupramontanaITA FernUniversität HagenHagenDEU reelport GmbHCologneDEU 20 institutions | 13 countries | 11 languages Partner Institutions: Who is behind EFG?

Goals and Objectives: What is EFG supposed to achieve?

Definition of a common interoperability schema Approach –The schema was designed taking into account the specific application scenario –Looking at existing models, in order to take into account previous experiences and to simplify the schema mapping –The model is based on the User needs defined in EFG –Maintain a compatibility with ESE in order to simplify the ingestion process into Europeana

The EFG Metadata Schema

An AV Creation Corresponds to a Cinematographic work as defined in EN Main elements: Identifier Title Record Source Identifying Title Country of Reference Production Year Keywords Description Note UserTag ViewFilmography

The EFG Metadata Schema An AV Manifestation is the physical embodiment of an audio visual creation. For example, it may contain the different national versions, different productions of the same AV Creation. Main elements: Identifier Title Record Source Language Dimension Duration Coverage Format Rights holder Provenance Thumbnail Note

The EFG Metadata Schema An Item contains a reference to the external resource. For a single AV Manifestation we may have several Items stored in different archives. Main elements: Identifier IsShownBy IsShownAt Format Provider URI Country Note

The EFG Metadata Schema Examples of Non AV Creations are pictures, photos, correspondence, books or periodicals Main elements: Identifier Title Record Source Keywords Description Date Created Language Note UserTag

The EFG Metadata Schema A Non AV Manifestation is the physical embodiment of an Non AV Creation. Main elements: Identifier Title Record Source Type Language Date Digital Format Physical Format Geographic Scope Coverage Rights holder Provenance Thumbnail Note

The EFG Metadata Schema An Agent is an Entity that can perform an action. There are three agent types: Person Identifier, Record Source, Name, Date, Region of Activity, Place, Sex, Type of Activity, Note, ViewBiography Corporate Body Group

The EFG Metadata Schema Publication event E.g. a public screening, broadcast or a public release on a physical distribution medium or online Elements: Identifier, Record Source, Type, Date, Regional Scope, Place, Event Name, Exhibition organizer, Publisher, Access conditions, Note Decision event An event in which a manifestation of a creation was evaluated by a censorship body or an accredited rating agency IPR Registration Award Production event Examples are dates and locations where castings took place or dates and locations of shootings or other recordings

An example of the use of the EFG Metadata Schema Title: 2001: A Space Odissey Record Source: IMDB Identifying Title: 2001: A Space Odissey Country of Reference: Production Year: 1968 Keywords: Science Fiction, HAL, intelligent computer Description: Mankind finds a mysterious, obviously artificial, artifact buried on the moon and, with the intelligent computer HAL, sets off on a quest

An example of the use of the EFG Metadata Schema Title: 2001: A Space Odissey Record Source: IMDB Identifying Title: 2001: A Space Odissey Country of Reference: Production Year: 1968 Keywords: Science Fiction, HAL, intelligent computer Description: Mankind finds a mysterious, obviously artificial, artifact buried on the moon and, with the intelligent computer HAL, sets off on a quest Title: 2001: Odissea nello Spazio Record Source: Cineteca Nazionale Language: IT Duration: 141 min Title: 2001: A Space Odissey Record Source: MGM Language:EN Duration: 160 min

An example of the use of the EFG Metadata Schema Person Record Source: IMDB Name: Stanley Kubick Region of Activity: UK Sex: male Type of Activity: director ViewBiography

An example of the use of the EFG Metadata Schema Title: Poster Record Source: IMDB Keywords: Used in Italy Date Created: 1968

An example of the use of the EFG Metadata Schema Title: Review Record Source: IMDB Date Created: 1968

An example of the use of the EFG Metadata Schema Title: Poster Record Source: IMDB Keywords: Used in Italy Date Created: 1968 Title: Review Record Source: IMDB Date Created: 1968

Linking resources Title: Poster Record Source: IMDB Keywords: Used in Italy Date Created: 1968 Title: Review Record Source: IMDB Date Created: 1968 was reviewed in was advertised directed by played by

Linking resources

Advanced search for film title

Person page for Peter Lorre

Time schedule June 2009Metadata schema finalised June/July 2009Test ingests from first 5 archives August 2009Testing and further ingests Autumn 2009First test ingests from EFG to Europeana possible Summer 2010EFG portal public launch Until August 2011Consolidating film work and person authority files, linking objects to authority records, further ingests

Expected results Agreement on common interoperability standards for film archives and cinématques Best practices for rights identification A single access point to the digitised collections of Europs film and audiovisual archives Access to Europes film heritage through Europeana

Thank you! Further information can be found at the EFG web site