Loading RX Totes and Cases 1.0) PURPOSE This procedure is intended to provide expectations and responsibilities when loading RX totes and cases in the shipping department. 2.0) SCOPE This procedure applies to shipping team members assigned to load trailers in the shipping department at the Lehigh Valley DC. 3.0) RELATED DOCUMENTS AND FILES Designated Training Checklist (Accessible on Walnet) Designated Shipping Department JSA(s) 4.0) GENERAL In order to ensure accuracy and accountability when loading outbound RX totes and cases onto the correct trailers all team members performing this function must adhere to the following procedure.
Loading RX Totes and Cases 5.0) PROCEDURE 5.1) Loading Regular RX Product into a trailer 5.1.1) The shipping loader will check on the Rx sheets when they receive their assigned doors for the wave. 5.1.2) During the current wave the shipping loader will separate RX totes and cases as they come down into the trailer from the trailer loader. 5.1.3) RX totes and cases can be identified by the pink outbound label adhered to each unit. 5.1.4) It is extremely important that the totes and cases are not built into the wall as they come down the line as each tote/case must be accounted for at the end of each wave and signed for by the assigned loader.
Loading RX Totes and Cases ) This will ensure that every tote/cases ordered for this store has been accounted. If you are missing a tote/case or have an extra tote/case that does not belong in your trailer at the end of the wave you must notify your Function Manager and/or Function Lead. 5.1.5) At the end of the wave the shipping loader will retrieve the RX Counts shipping page they signed for and will audit each case scan ID for all tote/cases that have been set aside. ) Audit completed by shipping loader will confirm proper counts and the shipping loader will initial legibly next to each case scan ID indicating that they have personally checked and verified every case scan ID.
Loading RX Totes and Cases ) It is NOT acceptable to initial at the top of the page and draw a line down the page. This will be viewed as failure to follow proper procedure. ) The shipping loader’s initial serves as proof of delivery to the specified trailer as indicated on the RX Counts shipping page. ) Failure by the shipping loader to legibly initial each case scan ID will result in disciplinary action for failure to follow proper procedure.