Compiled by Gloria E. Melencio
an etymology that comes from the Greek word geo an etymology that comes from the Greek word graphia "the scientific study of the earth’s surface, climates, peoples and natural resources." "the study of places, diverse environments and patterns of human culture in modern times."
-Realms and regions are global neighborhoods. -Realm is a big chunk of area; a region is a subset of realms. -Realm is a piece of inhabitable space where people interact; a region may have boundaries. -Realm has an abstract sphere of influence; region can be perception-based -Harm de Blij
- one super continent formed 300 years ago -Alfred Wegener
Continents broke up from one super continent to form the present-day realms and regions
The history of exploration and map making has these thinkers: -Herodotus -Eratosthenes -Strabo -Ptolemy
"There are 3 ways to approach the world: -Timeline, Location and Structural systems -Harm de Blij
The philosophy that man is the center of the universe Man is only a steward of the universe; his life depends on his environment
The earth is 4.7 billion years old.
- The equator is at 0 degree latitude - Line of latitude that divides the earth into equal parts -Africa is in the equator
Imaginary line that runs east- west as circles parallel to the equator Horizontal line that cuts across north and south
Imaginary line that runs across the globe from north to south Line that cuts across east and west vertically
- The starting point for measuring longitude -begins at Greenwich in England -morning or before noon is Ante- meridiem (AM) -afternoon is Post-meridiem (PM)
- A unit of measurement of latitude and longitude expressed in numbers
-Set of lines used to find locations on map -grid coordinates - 10 degrees N latitude, 25 degrees S Longitude
7 continents divided according to territorial boundaries: Africa Asia Antarctica Australia Europe North America South America
- Australia is in the South Pole -Antarctica has zero population -oceans, mountain ranges
-cultural, religion, language, political, economic unities Europe (Politics) Russia ( Politics) North America (Economic, Political) Middle America (Politics) South America (Politics) North Africa/Southwest Asia (Islam) Sub-Saharan Africa (Politics) South Asia (Muslim, Hindu, etc.) East Asia (Economic giants)