4 April 2007METIS Work Session1 Metadata Standards and Their Support of Data Management Needs Daniel W. Gillman Bureau of Labor Statistics Paul Johanis.


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Presentation transcript:

4 April 2007METIS Work Session1 Metadata Standards and Their Support of Data Management Needs Daniel W. Gillman Bureau of Labor Statistics Paul Johanis Statistics Canada

4 April 2007METIS Work Session2 Overview Terminology Theory ISO/IEC Statistical Data Corporate Metadata Repository Model Metadata Schemes –XBRL; Neuchâtel; DDI; SDMX; CWM Integration Conclusion

4 April 2007METIS Work Session3 Terminology Theory Property = something observed Object = perceivable or conceivable Characteristic = abstraction of properties of objects Concept = unique combination of characteristics Designation = association of sign with concept

4 April 2007METIS Work Session4 Terminology Theory Concepts –Intension = sum of characteristic –Extension = set of corresponding objects –General = 2 or more objects in extension Designation = term (Example: man) –Individual = 1 object in extension Designation = appelation (Example: Dan)

4 April 2007METIS Work Session5 ISO/IEC nd Edition Published (in 2005); 3 rd Edition underway Freely available on web – me/PubliclyAvailableStandards.htmhttp://isotc.iso.org/livelink/livelink/fetch/2000/2489/Ittf_Ho me/PubliclyAvailableStandards.htm See also –ISO/IEC TR (Achieving Content Consistency) –ISO/IEC (Language Independent Datatypes) Future – ISO/IEC –Interoperability and Bindings

4 April 2007METIS Work Session6 ISO/IEC Object Class –“What is being counted here?” –Example – METIS 2006 attendees Property –Characteristic of the object class –Example – country of birth Data Element Concept := OC + P

4 April 2007METIS Work Session7 ISO/IEC Value Domain –What are the allowed values? –Example – ISO Country codes (2-alpha) Data Element := DEC + VD

4 April 2007METIS Work Session8 Statistical Data Data –Population (concept)= Object Class –Characteristic (concept)= Property –Values (designation)= Value Domain Micro-data –General concept Macro-data –Individual concept

4 April 2007METIS Work Session9 CMR CMR – Corporate Metadata Repository Model Extension of ISO/IEC –For statistical surveys –Sample –Questionnaire –Data sets –Products –Systems

4 April 2007METIS Work Session10 Metadata Schemes XBRL (extensible business reporting language) DDI (data documentation initiative) SDMX (statistical data and metadata exchange) Neuchâtel Group (classification + variable models) CWM (common warehouse metamodel)

4 April 2007METIS Work Session11 Metadata Schemes XBRL – XML for Financial Data and Metadata –Recording + Transferring –Instance documents based on “taxonomies” Schema – element structure Labels – reuse across languages and purposes References – to legal or accounting standards Presentation – rules for specifying hierarchy of elements Calculations – rules for calculations between elements Definitions – rules for other relationships between elements

4 April 2007METIS Work Session12 Metadata Schemes DDI (data documentation initiative) –Data archives, for codebooks –5 chapters –Document; Study; File; Data; Other –Main concept – data set –Describes Microdata Tables

4 April 2007METIS Work Session13 Metadata Schemes SDMX (statistical data and metadata exchange) –BIS, ECB, IMF, World Bank, UN, Eurostat, OECD –Main concept – data or metadata structure definition –Scheme for defining data and metadata transfer structures –Describes Macrodata Time series

4 April 2007METIS Work Session14 Metadata Schemes Neuchâtel Group (classification + variable models) Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Switzerland, US German IT company Did include Denmark, Finland –Main concepts – classification, variable –Describes Classifications, microdata

4 April 2007METIS Work Session15 Metadata Schemes CWM – Common Warehouse Metamodel –OMG – Object Management Group –Information supply chain = Survey life-cycle –Tool integration –Common metadata model framework Map between tools Share metadata Common view of metadata

4 April 2007METIS Work Session16 Integration XBRL ISO11179/ CMR DDI SDMX CWM Thesauri/search resources Data Collection Data Dissemination Data Transfer between Organizations and Organizational Units Database Interoperability Data Collection Data Dissemination

4 April 2007METIS Work Session17 Integration

4 April 2007METIS Work Session18 Conclusion Metadata Constructs –Throughout survey life-cycle –Many linkages Questions