CHEP 2000 Smart Resource Management Software in High Energy Physics Wolfgang Gentzsch and Lothar Lippert Gridware GmbH & Inc. Padua, 9 February 2000
Technical Requirements and Features what do we offer to help HEP Computing CHEP 2000 Resource Management with CODINE / GRD Gridware - The Company Technology Leader in Resource Management A special offer to the HEP community Our answer to falling hardware-prices
Technical Requirements and Features Array Jobs Advanced Queue Concept Policy Management Separation of Components Solutions for mixing interactive and batch Simplified system administration AFS Support CORBA Interface All “classic” Features Availability
Array Jobs #!/bin/sh... 1 single Submit-Command for thousands of similar jobs Example: qsub -t :1 creates 1000 instances of a single job The whole array can be (also partly) manipulated (deleted, suspended,...) with 1 command unlimited number of instances
Job Advanced Queue Concept The whole cluster can be adressed Soft requests are supported No empty queues while others are more than full each host can be treated with different policies users just request resources higher efficiency “Emergency Room Concept” Job Cluster Dispatch Job Q1 Q2 Example: qsub -l mem_free=10M Cluster is split Queues may run empty users have to decide for a queue Job has to stay in line also if other resources are unused “Grocery Store Concept” Example: qsub -q 10MQ
Policy Management Fairshare Override System Boosts temporarily project/job/group/department Share Utilization Time Raise group Execute jobs earlier 20% Group1 30% Group2 50% Group3
Separation of Master and Scheduler Scalability high performance good response time faster job placement Separation of Components
Simplified system administration No daemon restarts necessary Add machines ‘on the fly’ Ability to install the entire cluster from one workstation No submit daemons or configuration needed for client Optimized architecture provides reliability Conifiguration changes without any pain
What else? CORBA Interface AFS Support All “classic” Features Interactive vs. Batch accounting, monitoring, suspension, sensors... time windows automatic suspend migration,... Availability all leading unix platforms
The company GENIASChord based in Germany European Union funded projects R&D company located in California leader in sales of RMS Technology leader in Resource Management Goal: make CODINE world standard in Resource Management
Our experience EU funded research projects REMUS UNICORE... Reseach & Development DESY Zeuthen (long relationship) CASPUR (recently switched to CODINE) MPI (Max Planck Institutes)... Industry BMW SAAB SIEMENS...
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