1 Overview JavaScript (Recommended Reading : Programming the World Wide Web, 4 th Edition, Robert W. Sebesta, Chapters 4, 5 – available at Steely Library)
JavaScript Objects Objects are collections of properties (equivalent to members of classes in Java) Properties are either data properties or method properties Data properties are either primitive values or references to other objects Subprograms called through objects are called methods, subprograms not called through objects are called functions The Object object is the ancestor (through prototype inheritance) of all objects in a JavaScript program Object has no data properties, but several method properties 2
JavaScript Objects JS has built-in objects E.g. Math, Date Browser creates objects These model the document (web page) You can create your own objects But JS has no class Objects are built on-the-fly 3
There are objects corresponding to the 3 data primitives Number, String, Boolean (note the upper case first letter) These wrap a single value and provide some methods One method all three wrapper objects have is valueOf() - returns the corresponding primitive value of an object Create an object with new: var doneObj = new Boolean(true); var numObj = new Number( ); 4 Built-in Objects
Boolean has no useful methods of its own Number has formatting methods toExponential(digitsAfterDP) - converts the value of the object into an exponential notation with the # requested digits after. var num = new Number(10000); document.write (num.toExponential(1)); writes into document 1.0e+4 toPrecision(numberOfDigits) - converts a number into a number with the specified number of digits toFixed(digitsAfterDP) - rounds the number to the specified number of decimal places 5 Built-in Objects
String has many methods Many are the same as for Java String object indexOf, charAt, substring, etc. (we discussed some of these) Also has methods to create HTML strings var st = new String(“I’m big and bold!”); var st1 = st.bold(); var out = st1.big(); gives I’m big and bold! See for a complete reference 6 Built-in Objects demoStringToHtml.htm l
JS does many automatic conversions between primitives and objects Previous example could be written: var st = “I’m big and bold!”; var out = st.big().bold(); In this case, the variable st is automatically converted to a String object to make the first method call and the resulting string is then converted to a String object to call bold( ) 7 Object Conversions
Math Like Java Math No instance needed – all constants and methods referenced through the Math object Constants ○ Math.PI. Math.SQRT2, etc. Methods ○ Trig functions: Math.sin( ), etc. ○ Number manipulation: Math.floor( ), Math.min( ), Math.round() ○ Calculational: Math.pow( ), Math.exp( ), Math.random( ) - like Java: [0, 1) 8 Other Built-in Objects
Date var dt = new Date( ); gives the current date Date has getX and setX methods for X = FullYear, Month, Day, Hours, Minutes, Seconds and Milliseconds Formatting methods return date as a string toString( ) toGMTString( ) – converts to a string according to Greenwich time. toLocaleString( ) 9 Other Built-in Objects date.html
JS has arrays which look like Java arrays Standard variable names to reference Array objects Indexed with [ ] JS arrays are objects! Can be created with new keyword var newAr = new Array(“one”, “two”, “three”, 4); var newAr = new Array(3); 1 st way creates and initializes array (> 1 argument) 2 nd way just sets size (1 int argument) Can also be created with array literal var newAr = [“one”, 2, “three”]; Note the square brackets, not braces Note that values of different data types can be mixed 10 Arrays
Array elements are accessed as in Java: var first = newAr[0]; Can be multi-dimensional as in Java .length property gives the current length = the highest subscript to which a value has been assigned + 1, or the initial size, whichever is larger Can be read or written Arrays are not fixed in length By setting new array elements using an index beyond the current length, or by setting the length property to a larger value you extend the array (very much NOT like Java) By setting the length property to a smaller value you shrink the array Space is not reserved for each element, only those defined (assigned) var a = new Array(5); // all are undefined a[100] = 2; // has only 1 defined 11 Arrays
Flexibility of arrays allows many methods; var list = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] slice() – returns part of an array: list.slice(1,3) => array [4, 6] concat( ) – concatenates new elements to the end of the array; returns new array: list.concat(12) => [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12] join( ) – creates a string from the array elements, separated by commas (or specified delimiter): list.join(“ : ”) => “2 : 4 : 6 : 8: 10” reverse( ) – reverses order of the array elements; affects calling array sort( ) – converts elements to strings, sorts them alphabetically (or you can specify another order as a function); affects calling array push( ), pop( ) – add/delete elements to the high end of array unshift( ), shift( ) – add/delete elements at the beginning of the array 12 Arrays
Array with non-numeric indices Also called a hash Created as Object and filled using index value var myHash = new Object(); myHash[“me”] = “Instructor”; myHash[“you”] = “Student”; for (var i in myHash) alert (i + "-" + myHash[i]); 13 Associative Arrays demoArrays.html
Several types of JS functions exist We will focus on simple declarative functions Like Java methods Defined with keyword function Parameters follow in parentheses No parameter types required () required even if no parameters are declared Body of function in brackets (=compound statement) Function terminates at end } or with return statement No return type is declared Function can return a value of any type or have no return value 14 Functions
Example: function greet(hour, name) { if(hour < 12) document.write(“Good morning, “+name); else if(hour < 18) document.write(“Good afternoon, “+name); else if(hour < 24) document.write(“Good evening, “+name); else return false; } 15 Functions
Note that the example function may or may not return a value. If no value is returned explicitly from function, the undefined value is return by default ○ Could test by: var result = greet(hour, name); if(result != undefined) document.write(“Wrong hour”); ○ Note: no quotes on undefined 16 Functions
Functions used like Java methods Calculations Data checking Any process you do more than once or want to isolate Note: a function definition should precede calls to the function, to guarantee it is loaded before being called → usually placed in head section 17
Formal parameters are local variables All other local variables must be declared with var or else a global variable may be used Data types of arguments are not checked – just converted as needed 18 Functions demoFunctionArgs.htm l
JS uses pass-by-value parameter- passing method Primitives are passed by value Changing the value in the function has no effect at the calling site Objects are passed by reference Changing the object in the function changes the caller’s object 19 Functions
Number of arguments passed to a function is not checked against the number of formal parameters in the called function Excess actual parameters are ignored (however, see below) Excess formal parameters are set to undefined ○ i.e. if you define function f(a, b, c) and call it by f(p, q) then c will be undefined when f executes However, a property array named arguments holds all of the actual params, whether or not there are more of them than there are formal params: for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) document.write(arguments[i] + “ ”); 20
The new expression is used to create an object: This includes a call to a constructor method The new operator creates a blank (empty) object, the constructor creates and initializes all properties of the object Properties of an object (data and methods) are accessed using a dot notation: object.property; or the object[property] notation. 21 User-defined Objects, Creation & Modification
Properties are not variables, they are just the names of values, so they are not declared An object may be thought of as a Map/Dictionary/Associative-Storage The number of properties of an object may vary dynamically in JS; properties can be added/deleted from an object at any time during interpretation 22
Create my_car and add some properties // Create an Object object with no properties var my_car = new Object(); // Create and initialize the make property my_car.make = "Ford"; // Create and initialize the model property my_car.model = "Contour SVT"; The delete operator can be used to delete a property from an object delete my_car.model 23 User-defined Objects, Dynamic Properties
Syntax:for (identifier in object) statement or compound statement The loop lets the identifier take on each property (name) in turn in the object Printing the properties in my_car: for (var prop in my_car) document.write("Name: " + prop + "; Value: " + my_car[prop] + " "); Result: Name: make; Value: Ford Name: model; Value: Contour SVT 24 The for-in Loop
Functions are objects in JavaScript Functions may, therefore, be assigned to variables and to object properties Object properties that have function values are methods of the object Example: function fun() { document.write("This surely is fun! "); } ref_fun = fun; // Now, ref_fun refers to the fun object fun(); // A call to fun ref_fun(); // Also a call to fun 25 Functions are Objects
Constructors are functions that create and initialize properties for new objects; have same name as object being created A constructor uses the keyword this in the body to reference the object being initialized 26 Constructors demoConstructor.ht ml
Constructors Object methods are properties that refer to / point to functions A function to be used as a method may use the keyword this to refer to the object for which it is acting As in Java, the JavaScript user-defined objects can be quite powerful and quite complicated… We won’t really need to use them for form verification… 27
Development of JavaScript To run JavaScript code, you may need to change the browser’s security settings. IE 7 prevents by default scripts on your local computer from running; Check the “Allow active content to run in files on MyComputer” box in Tools / Internet options / Advanced / Security Firefox has JavaScript enabled by default 28
Errors in Scripts JavaScript errors are detected by the browser Different browsers report this differently Firefox uses a special console IEdbl click => 29