TraCit project and SEI Tallinn Case Studies Mari Jüssi SEI-Tallinn POWER Programme - ISC meeting 17.03.2011 Tallinn.


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Presentation transcript:

TraCit project and SEI Tallinn Case Studies Mari Jüssi SEI-Tallinn POWER Programme - ISC meeting Tallinn

TraCit Partners UK: CURe University of Portsmouth (Lead) Estonia: Viimsi Municipality, Stockholm Environment Institute – Tallinn Poland: Cracow University of Technology Seeda - UK Aim of TraCit identify and share knowledge and best practice between partner regions on schemes and policies with the potential to reduce carbon intensive travel while at the same time supporting the development, economic growth and sustainability of new and existing urban environments.

Project Outcomes TraCit outcomes Common carbon metrics and Carbon Audits of transport Case studies Portsmouth: Land Use Transport Interaction Modelling Big Green Commuter Challenge Viimsi:New cycle route scheme SEI-Tallinn: Educational cartoon Cracow:Public transport promotional campaign on a tram Bike happening event at the University Advice Guide Transport Carbon Intensity (TraCit) calculator Regional workshops, Final Dissemination Events, Web site development

SEI-Tallinn case study 5 min internet cartoon clip on cycling to work/ transport choices Coverage: hits during first week, unique hits per cartoon Majority of Estonian families with up to 10 kids at home covered

Sample cartoon in English: ?go=web&t=19&id= ?go=web&t=19&id=3671 SEI Case Study: Children cartoon on bicycle promotion Launch on portal: May 18, 2011 In cooperation with Tallinn 2011 – European Cultural Capital. Cartoon will also advertise a big cycling event – First Kids Ciclovia in the centre of Tallinn on June 5, 2011 Script will be ready by April, 18. Production – first week of May

Update on SEI Tallinn activities: We have continued work with Estonian baseline regarding transport and GHG, including analyses of trends and possible effectiveness of different measures. We will publish a policy brief (4-6 pages) in Estonian and English in March-April. We have done presentations on key findings and sustainable transport policy measures November-January – Senior officials of ministries, experts and stakeholders – Pärnu city government; – 2 presentations to local NGOs is Tallinn – (Pirita, Telliskivi)

Source: EEA, COPERT model

Non-ETS sector GHG target for 2020 in Estonia: --- max 11% growth Source: SEI-Tallinn, Sustainable Transport Report 2010 BAU secenario, road transport, million vehicle-km BAU secenario, road transport GHG, million-tons


Key recommendations to the government: - introduce energy labelling of cars like in many EU countries - introduce fiscal measures based on CO2 emissions of cars (currently no registration nor annual tax) 10

Comparison of Estonian and Finnish new car fleet in 2006 and 2009 (Finnish car taxation was reformed in 2007 and is now CO2 based)

Source: Eurostat

Transport GHG intensity (tons per million GDP EUR) Source: Eurostat

Source: Eurostat/ SEI-Tallinn