ASIA Sam B 7B Use your atlas page to complete this study about the continent of ASIA
The Asian Region The part of Russia that is in Europe Land that is not in Asia Asia
The boundaries of Asia What you have to do: Find a map of ASIA that shows natural features The arrows on the next map point to the natural features that are part of the boundaries of ASIA. Use your atlas map to find the name of each of these features that are part of the boundaries of Asia. Write in these names in the boxes around the map You will need to click inside the text box to get it to open so you can add the names inside it. SAVE your work
Boundaries of ASIA The continent of Europe The Ural mountains The continent of Africa The Ural River The continent of Australia
Oceans and Seas of ASIA What you have to do: The next map shows the names of the seas and oceans in and around Asia, but the names are not in the right place Use your atlas map of ASIA to help you put the names in the correct place You will need to move the text boxes around to do this SAVE your work
The oceans and seas of ASIA The Indian Ocean The Pacific Ocean The Caspian Sea The Black Sea The Mediterranean Sea The Red Sea The Arctic Ocean The Persian Gulf The Bering Sea
Mountains of ASIA The next map shows important mountains and mountain ranges in Asia. Use your atlas to help you write in the correct names in the text boxes.
Mountains of ASIA Mountain Mountain Range Ural Mountains Caucasus Mountains Mt Ararat Godwin Austen CHANGE THIS NAME TO THE NAME OF THE MOUNTAIN RANGE IN THIS AREA Mt Everest Gongga Mountain
Other geographic features of ASIA WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO Turn to page 142 & 143 in your atlas These pages have 6 Geofacts about places, and information about 4 amazing places in Asia Find pictures of any 4 of these places to copy and paste onto the map on the next page. The internet or Encarta would be good places to start looking. Add an arrow to show where the place is found in Asia. Group the picture, arrow and map. SAVE your work Congratulations! You are now finished.
Other geographic features of ASIA Mt Everest ( 8848m) Cherrapunji (receives millimetres of rain per year) Indonesia (the world’s largest archipelago, with more than islands) Yangtze River (Asia’s longest river)