Mikael Pedersen, GEUS – WP2 leader Katy Lee, BGS – WP3 leader EGDI-Scope Full Consortium Meeting, Vienna 28 th April 2014
Why develop an EGDI? ◦ To make a sustainable platform for European geological datasets and information Why develop use cases? ◦ To ensure usability of the future EGDI -> Usability is key to sustainability! What do users request? ◦ Easy accessible and reliable data and information ◦ Intuitive functionality What do users not have today? ◦ Answers to many basic questions needing geological data.
Have provided clearer picture of use situations Have provided insight into issues dealt with by past European project Have provided requirements for ◦ Data ◦ Functionality ◦ System design and operation
Prioritisation Energy minerals / resources Shale gas, oil shale, shale oil Solid fuel minerals Oil and gas Gas hydrates Non-Energy minerals / resources Metals Industrial minerals Construction materials Other natural resources Freshwater Soils Seas and oceans Geohazards Earthquakes Volcanoes Flooding Subsidence Landslides Erosion Mining Geochemical: Radon, Mercury… Other Geothermal CCS Secondary raw materials and waste Urban Climate change Aquifers Ecosystems Higher-res geological maps 3D geology Marine Geochemistry Radioactive waste Land use Geology Raw Materials Water Geohazards Soil Partners Stakeholders Themes
Geology ◦ OneGeologyEurope 1: 1 million surface geology ◦ OneGeologyEurope 1:1 million bedrock ◦ EMODnet-Geology I - 1:1 million substrate map Mineral Resources ◦ Promine dataset on mineral deposits,anthropogenic concentration layers, mineral potential maps, predictive maps ◦ EuroGeoSource dataset on mineral occurrences and mines ◦ -> Minerals4EU & EURare
Water Resources ◦ Hydrogeological map of Europe (IHME) 1: 1.5 million. ◦ Aquifer Typologies for hydrochemical characterization (BRIDGE project) Geohazards PanGeo ground stability polygons, geohazard descriptions and associated PSI data Soil Geochemical distribution maps based on GEMAS Soil/parent material map?
Geology A geologist creating a geological map of the Alps for an excursion A geology student making a map showing the distribution of Archaean rocks in Europe A consultant wanting to evaluate and download the marine substrate map from a specific offshore area. Mineral Resources A geologist preparing a report of the best REE deposits in Europe for the Commission An Internet user wanting an overview of the largest REE deposits in Europe
Water Resources The EEA assessing the groundwater chemical status based on natural background levels of pollutants Geohazards A local authority planner assessing inhabited areas in risk of subsidence Superficial deposits The EEA wanting to download the 1GE+ geological map of Europe for ecosystem mapping using desktop GIS applications The EEA wanting to assess the effect of Phosphorous in superficial deposits on certain European ecosystems
Expert Users Decision Makers The General Public
Knowledge BasePool of Experts Geological Service ?
The use cases support the concept of a European Geological Information System But…. An underlying data infrastructure will probably be needed in some cases