WATER Solid state. Earth´s poles and the snow in the mountains. Liquid state. Seas and oceans.- They are large areas of salt water. Seas are smaller than oceans. There are five oceans on our planet: the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Indian, the Artic and the Antarctic. Rivers and lakes.- They are areas of fresh water. Clouds.- They are masses made up of drops of water that stay up in the sky. Sometimes the drops of water get bigger and become raindrops, snow or hail. Clouds become fog when they are close to the ground. Groundwater.- This is the water that is underground. When it rains, the water filters through the ground and become aquifers. Gaseous state. Water vapour in the air is a form of gaseous water.
THE WATER CYCLE The water on Earth is always the same, but it changes places and states. And this is the Water Cycle: 1. The sun heats the water. It becomes water vapour and rises. 2. The water vapour gets cold. It becomes drops of water that make the clouds. 3. The water in the clouds becomes rain. The rain falls onto the land, seas and oceans. 4. The water on the land returns to the sea. (And then the wter cycle starts again).
LAND Continents are big extensions of land. There are six continents: Asia, Europe, Africa, America, Oceania and Antarctica. Islands: They are extensions of land with water all around them.
ROCKS AND MINERALS Land is made of rocks and minerals. Minerals. Rocks: They make up the land we live on.
ATMOSPHERE The atmosphere is a layer on air that surrounds the Earth. It is made up of gases (nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour). It has other elements like pollen or dust. It is necessary for life on Earth because: It has gases, like oxygen and carbon dioxide, that are necessary for living things. It keeps in the Sun´s heat and keep the Earth warm. It protects us from solar radiation that can hurt our skin.
THE GLOBE The Earth is round. Because it looks like a sphere, a globe is a realistic way to represent the Earth.
MAPS We can also represent the Earth on a flat surface. These are maps. A map that represents the entire Earth is called world map. Maps include names, symbols and a key that explains their meaning.