How many oceans are there? 1? 3? 4? 5? 7? Oceans
Does it Matter that all the Oceans are connected? Mix cold water with warm water. Mix shallow water with deep water. Smooths out the temperature. } Currents Blue = cold and deep Yellow = warm and shallow
Where did the dry land come from? -- It came from the ocean! Gen. 1:9-10 And God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place and let dry land appear." And it was so. God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. Sedimentary Rock Beginning
The Earth at the Poles North Pole The Arctic Ocean South Pole The Antarctic Continent Antarctica Maps courtesy of used with permission. Poles
But we are talking today about the oceans. So let's talk about the Arctic Ocean… Admiral Peary at the North Pole (April, 1909) Peary
Map of the Arctic Ocean floor. Arctic Floor
First Polar Transit of the Arctic Ocean SSN Nautilus (August, 1958) Polar Transit
The Nautilus Under Ice Under Ice
North Pole Rendezvous May 6, 1986 Rendezvous
Another view of the North Pole Rendezvous Ice Cracks
On Ice at the South Pole Night View at the South Pole South Pole Facility
Other Arctic Surfacings … 1991 SSN Pargo Pargo
Other Arctic Surfacings … SSN Hawkbill at the North Pole Summer
Other Arctic Surfacings … SSN Charlotte (November, 2005) Winter
What would happen if the Arctic Ocean's ice cap all melted? Would the Ocean level rise? What would happen if the Antarctic ice cap all melted? Would the Ocean level rise? Why might there be a difference? Melting ice cube movie An Experiment… Materials: A large glass pot a paper plate to cover the pot (punch a hole in the middle) Ice cubes A fine-point marker. What happens to the water level as the ice melts? Ice Cubes
The Arctic Ice Cap Arctic Ice Cap in SummerArctic Ice Cap in Winter Arctic ice cap
The Antarctic Ice Cap Antarctic Ice Cap in Summer Antarctic Ice Cap in Winter Antarctic ice cap
Summary Questions: Why is the Ice Cap so thin at the North Pole? - Because the ice is warmed by the Arctic Ocean! How can that be? - Because the Arctic Ocean is warmed by global currents. Why is the Ice Cap so thick at the South Pole? - Because it is over land, which is not warmed by global currents. Now you know one thing that the oceans do: They carry warmth to the Northern parts of the earth. Summary