Physical Geography Cultural Geography Religions $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Map Skills
Map Skills -$100 Name the country highlighted in red
Map Skills -$200 Name the country highlighted in red
Map Skills -$300 Name the bodies of water to the east and west of Saudi Arabia.
Map Skills -$400 Name the two geographical features that run through Iraq
Map Skills -$500 Name the channel of water which links the Mediterranean and Red Seas
Map Skills -$100-Answer What is Iran?
Map Skills -$200-Answer What is Afghanistan?
Map Skills -$300-Answer What are the Red Sea and Persian Gulf?
Map Skills -$400-Answer What are the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers?
Map Skills -$500-Answer What is the Suez Canal?
Physical Geography -$100 The major (natural resource) export of SW Asian countries.
Physical Geography -$200 Fresh water to drink Access for traveling/trading Farming/growing crops
Physical Geography -$300 An expensive process used to extract salt from seawater
Physical Geography -$400 Allowed countries in SW Asia to grow & develop economically, and has created many jobs
Physical Geography -$500 Hot and dry (desert/arid)
Physical Geography -$100- Answer What is oil?
Physical Geography -$200- Answer What are reasons why people in SW Asia would choose to live/work near rivers/fresh water (over seas/oceans)
Physical Geography -$300- Answer What is desalination?
Physical Geography -$400- Answer What is oil production or the discovery of oil in the Middle East?
Physical Geography -$500- Answer What is (most of) the climate of SW Asia?
Cultural Geography-$100 language Kurds, Persians, Arabs, Turks food, clothing race heritage customs/traditions
Cultural Geography -$200 Ethnic group found throughout SW Asia Mostly Sunni Muslims Speak Arabic About 15% of the total Muslim population of the world
Cultural Geography -$300 Non-Arabic Speak Farsi Majority are Shia (Shi’ite) Muslims Make up most of Iran’s population
Cultural Geography -$400 Non-Arabic Mostly Sunni Muslim Spread out in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, and Syria Want to have their own country
Cultural Geography -$500 Different beliefs/ideas about who should lead the Muslim community after Muhammad died
Cultural Geography -$100- Answer What are examples of items/things that correspond (fall under/go under/go with/relate) to ethnic group?
Cultural Geography -$200- Answer Who are the Arabs?
Cultural Geography -$300- Answer Who are the Persians?
Cultural Geography -$400- Answer Who are the Kurds?
Cultural Geography -$500- Answer What is the reason the Sunni and Shia Muslims split/divided?
Religion -$100 Believe in one god (monotheistic) Have sacred/holy texts & places of worship Began in SW Asia/Middle East
Religion -$200 Of the three major religions of SW Asia, this religion has the most followers
Religion -$300
Religion -$400 Restrictions for not eating foods such as shellfish (lobster, crabs, shrimp) or pork
Religion -$500 Declaration of faith Pray five times per day Money to charity/almsgiving Fasting/Ramadan Pilgrimage/hajj to Mecca
Religion -$100-Answer What are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the three prominent (major/main) religions of SW Asia?
Religion -$200-Answer What is Christianity?
Religion -$300-Answer What is the Star of David/symbol for Judaism?
Religion -$400-Answer What are kosher (dietary laws)?
Religion -$500-Answer What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
Final Jeopardy Remember me?
Final Jeopardy Group that is both an ethnic group and a religious group
Final Jeopardy-Answer What/who are Jews?