All around the world is our theme for the term. The children will be involved in helping to plan how they would like to explore each theme. Their interests, needs and areas for development will direct many aspects of teaching and learning. English We will be exploring a range of stories from familiar settings in the world around us. Poetry and stories with repeated patterns will also be explored as well as some traditional stories from around the world. We will use a range of information texts to learn about our world. Phonics We will be working on learning a range of graphemes and phonemes from Phase 3 and 4 to increase our reading and spelling skills. We will also work on our tricky word recognition. Mathematics We will explore number and place value – working on recognising, ordering and using numbers to 20 and beyond. Then the children will begin to use their knowledge of number and the number system to make calculations using concrete objects. We will be exploring the world we live in by weighing, measuring and learning about capacity. 2d and 3d shapes in our environment will be explored. We will begin to work with money and familiairise themselves with the coins and notes we use in the UK. Science We will observe the seasonal changes over the year in our local environment and beyond! We will also explore a range of materials and their properties, including identifying materials for a specific purpose and which materials float and which sink. Geography W e will be exploring the four countries that make up the UK using an atlas and map as well as finding out about the capital cities of each. We will also explore the surrounding seas. We will introduce the continents and oceans of our world to the children too. History We will explore changes within living memory, to include how we have changed since birth, celebrations we have experienced and any other significant experiences and or events. Art and Design We will explore a range of media to create pictures and sculptures to include diva lamps, Christmas cards and Bonfire night pictures. Physical Education We will continue to work on our movement and coordination skills through the following activities: Throwing and catching Running and jumping Team games Dance Multi-skills This will support our health and fitness, build character and help embed values such as fairness and respect. PSHCE We will be following a programme to encourage personal development and mutual understanding. We will explore our personal attributes and how these make use unique and valued. We will also investigate various feelings and how we can be sensitive to the feelings of others. Computing In computing we will be be familiarising ourselves with a range of programmes and their functions, such as Purple Mash and Espresso. We will create and test algorithms and debug simple programmes. Music We will be enjoying, learning and singing a range of songs from a variety of genres, including hip- hop, blues, Latin, funk baroque, Bhangra and classical! We will explore sounds created by a variety of instruments and use these to create pulse and rhythms. We will also be learning a variety of songs for our Christmas performance.