What is India’s Physical Geography like? (Physical size and Geographical position)
What is India’s Physical Geography like? Learning Objectives: To know where India is located in the world. To understand the size and scale of India in relation to the rest of the world’s countries; To be resilient when completing map-work activities and resourceful when presenting your findings.
The Spirit of India What do you think it would be like to live in India? Note down something that you think you would see, smell, taste, touch, hear. Watch the following clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=112g1OiKk-g Has your perspective changed? Yes / No? Give reasons for your answers...
Where is India located in the world? Ask students to point / stick post it note on where in the world they think India is.
India’s Physical Geography True or False? India is in Asia India is the seventh largest country in the world in geographical size with a total land area of 3,287,263 square kilometres India has a population of 1.2 billion people India shares its borders with Pakistan, China and Nepal India has a diverse landscape that includes mountains, desert, coasts and forested areas. All of these are true.
India: Close up: You could do a Google earth tour here or use Google maps (and the accompanying photos) to explore the country further
Over to you... Learning Activity 1: 1. On your blank map of India please mark on the following information: - the capital city of New Delhi, and the cities of Bangalore, Mumbai and Calcutta - neighbouring countries - neighbouring oceans / seas - the River Ganges - plus any other information that you think is relevant. Students can use the maps in the back of their planners or the atlases to do this.
To recap: What is India’s Physical Geography like? Learning Objectives: To know where India is located in the world. To understand the size and scale of India in relation to the rest of the world’s countries; To be resilient when completing map-work activities and resourceful when presenting your findings.
Using the cards on your desk and the glue sticks that you have been given – stick them around your map of India. Use arrows to locate the correct place that you think it is located. Underneath your map write down 5 things that you have noticed about your map since adding the photographs and the climate graphs. Be prepared to share what you have found out.
Watch this clip http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM4pLucCyxA&feature=related and whilst watching write down 5 words that in your mind describe India. e.g. diverse colourful...
Main Activity Write me a postcard from India. Mrs White T5 Paget High School Burton Road Branston Burton upon Trent Staffordshire De14 3DR Tell me about the climate, culture (people), landscape, and what you have done whilst visiting the country. Please reflect on what you have learnt about so far to help you.