R E S E T Roadmap for European research on Smartcard Technologies Bruno Le Dantec GEIE ERCIM Lessons from the RESET experience
RESET IST A strong Partnership Partnership Industrial and Academic 35 members research & technology institutions suppliers of SC systems components Cards and accepting devices issuing organisations Individuals Start of the project57 participants Current situation105 participants Management Technical EUROSMART Administrative and financial ERCIM Support ARTTIC
RESET IST A Challenging Roadmap What RESET is aiming at Define a global strategy regarding Smart Cards technology priorities and R&D orientations, Federate SM key players around a consensual vision of the future of Trusted Personal Devices, Provide a reliable ground for the European Commission and National programmes to identify and support the smart card related research priorities within FP6.
RESET IST An Iterative and fast Process Since September (7 months): Identification of the main domains and actors Setting up of six working groups + Meetings Integrate results and define tomorrows priorities Today: Draft version + Public seminar Short term : Draft version to be disseminated globally outside consortium + feedback collection Validation and Final version Long term: Roadmap seeding for Academia, Industry, and EC...
RESET IST RESET Snapshot conclusions Smart Cards market potential is global Europe & ME Asia & Pac America TOTAL European actors must work together to uphold their leadership Additional research efforts are essential Frameworks and support are necessary The lunch is not far and we have...
RESET IST Round table discussion Links with the other roadmap initiatives Discussions on the RESET recommendations Feed-back for adjustments The IST FP6 Trust and security activities in the FP6 Comments on RESET An IP project under FP6 first call From smart cards to Trusted Personal Devices Afternoon session
R E S E T Roadmap for European research on Smartcard Technologies Bruno Cucinelli ARTTIC From Smart Cards to Trusted Personal Devices
RESET IST How to reboot after RESET ? RESET establishes a common view of experts from industry and research on smart card technology bottlenecks The scope of RESET is beyond and Integrated Project and even beyond FP6 The RESET roadmap is a reference for experts and decision makers concerned by smart card related R&D
RESET IST Next generation smart card opportunities Huge business growth potential for smart cards in traditional and future application To address those, the smart card must overcome its current limitations From smart cards to Trusted Personal Devices
RESET IST Need for collaborative RTD Smart card technology needs are specific: those will NOT be addressed by other (not SC dedicated) programmes Effort required for SC technology developments is far beyond the means of single organisations and a single project FP6 provides a suitable collaboration framework, and the opportunity for an IP
RESET IST Trusted Personal Devices Good news : establishment of a consortium representing the large majority of SC and SC component manufactures and leading research institutions But : this collaboration must focus on technology developments – applications are not in the project scope Hopefully future IP calls will provide additional support for smart card projects