SJR Video Tech Ministry
Video Tech Ministry St. John of Rochester is now using its new Video system to record all Masses and stream them live via the internet. Our mission is to bring the word of God to people who are homebound, or cannot attend Mass due to illness, bad weather, travel or are away for the winter/summer. We are also now recording and streaming live funerals, weddings and other notable events such as Baptisms, First Communions, for families and loved ones who can’t be in attendance due to illness, or location.
Our New Video System The “control” room is located in the New Music room on the left side of the main sanctuary. We have 5 operational cameras, 4 of which we use to broadcast Masses and one permanently fixed on the Monstrance in the Chapel 24/7 for those wishing to “adore” at home. Video teams of 2 work together to stream the Masses at every Mass, one being the “director”, the other being the camera positioning operator
24/7 Live Feed from SJR Chapel
Role of the Video Techs A Two-person team manages the recording and broadcast of each Saturday and Sunday Masses. The team utilizes the 4 cameras in the sanctuary to get the best “representation” and “reverence” of the Mass. One person operates the cameras to capture the best video of the mass at that particular moment. The other member of the team utilizes one of the best shots from the 4 cameras to actually broadcast via the internet for remote viewing. A laptop is also used for broadcasting media and the order of Mass on the drop down screens (2) in the church.
Who can be a Video Tech? Anyone 13 years of age or older with a desire to serve in this unique ministry You don’t have to be a “techy” Willing to learn some simple, basic Techniques to operate the equipment. Ability to work as a Team
How do new Video Techs get Trained and Scheduled? Sign up on the SJR website: After initial overview training is completed, you’ll be scheduled for more in depth “live” training during streaming Masses with a seasoned Tech. After a few live Masses, and when you’re feeling comfortable, we’ll schedule you on a team to serve as part of the 2 person team ministry moving forward. Schedules are done 4-6 weeks out taking into consideration of availability and need of the Techs and the Church. Our “goal” is to serve about 1 to 2 Masses a month.
Other FAQ’s Does this Ministry “count” as going to Mass? Yes, You are attending Mass, Just in a different part of the Church. Plus, you’ll find you pay even closer attention in order to manage the cameras. What about going to Communion? During communion, you set one camera on the base of the Altar stairs, then leave the music room and get in line on the left side of Church. What if I can’t make it on a date I am scheduled? We just ask that you contact the scheduling member of the Techs as soon as the schedules are sent via . If illness happens, a complete roster of techs is ed to everyone regularly, usually when the schedules are ed. Can I choose the Mass I regularly attend to be a Tech? Yes, we have availability for all Masses to serve. Most notably Noon and 7:30am Masses
Contacts SJR Website Fill out the sign up form at the above web page Or even better, stop by our desk after any Mass and sign up and see what we’re all about. Team Lead: Chris Pruszynski Team Scheduler: Brian Thorn