Low Income Forum on Energy 2011 Regional Meetings May,
Presented by HCR Staff Thomas Platten – New Paltz & Malta Michael Gorman – Lake Placid Daniel Grau – NYC Beth Ryan - Elmira Daniel Buyer - Rochester May, 20112
What I will cover: Background and brief history American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) ARRA Update on units served What’s next for Weatherization ??? May, 20113
“To reduce heating and cooling costs for low-income families, particularly the elderly, persons with disabilities, and children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes and ensuring their health and safety.” May, 20114
Conceived during the 1973 oil embargo; Established in New York in 1977; Traditionally funded from two Federal sources: US Departments of Energy and Health and Human Services Suballocation of LIHEAP funds is through OTDA History of wide fluctuations in funding May, 20119
In 2009, $98.7 million was distributed, more than 15,000 units have been weatherized In 2010, $70 million was distributed, more than 13,000 will have been weatherized by June 2011 Recovery Act has provided $395 million, enough to weatherize 55,000 + households in 2011, to be determined May,
$5 billion for Weatherization nationally - $394 million to NYS (largest in the nation) Average cost-per-unit limit raised from $4,500 to $6,500 Funding July1, 2009 through September 30, 2011 Eligibility remains at 60% of state median income Other Requirements – MBE/WBE, SHPO, Lead Paint rules, etc. May,
May, ARRA imposed new labor rules (Davis Bacon) Significant increase in training resources NYSWDA and AEA training centers, Four regional pressure houses under construction Increased reporting and accountability rules Six independent audits and reviews have been conducted thus far… Stimulus funds are in every community
With some exceptions, tenants must income certify; at least 50% must be income eligible 25% Owner Investment required* More flexible for small (1-4) unit buildings No investment required for subsidized properties, defined as those qualifying for 581-a. Investment may still be required to achieve required SIR (i.e. windows) WAP $ is not Gap $! May,
After18 months (as of 4/20/11): 20,833 units completed; 23,738 under construction ; 10,000+ units with energy audits completed and poised to begin construction. May,
44,571 of the 45,000 unit ARRA goal are completed or in progress Yes, New York will exceed the unit goal for US DOE 1,150 Jobs have been created with ARRA $ $202 million of ARRA funds expended May,
Post ARRA DOE funding is up in the air For 2011, perception by some that WAP is awash in ARRA $$ ARRA ends in New York no later than Dec Other possible funding sources for WAP Green Jobs/Green NY SBC / NYSERDA programs, i.e.Empower, MPP Utility SBC programs Fee for service May,
Please Visit or call ASK-DHCR May,