Horoscope Sign English Unit 1 The introduction of Horoscope Signs Unit 2 Aries Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Unit 3 Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Unit 3 Sagittarius Scorpio Taurus Libra 國立霧峰高級農工職業學校 著作者: 曾茂勝 廖美智 廖昞均 曾淨宜
Four elements in Astrology There are four elements in astrology; fire, earth, air and water. In the zodiac, three signs share the same elements, thus there are 3 fire signs, 3 earth signs and 3 water signs. Each element is identified by specific characteristics. It is your basic nature or natural temperament. Aries March 21-April 19 Leo July 23-August 22 Sagittarius November 22- December 21 Gemini May21-June 21 Libra September 23- October 22 Aquarius January 20- February 18 Taurus April 20-May 20 Virgo August 23- September 22 Capricorn December 22- January 19 Cancer June 22-July 22 Scorpio October 23- November 21 Pisces February 19- March 20
Do you know which signs are fire signs? Aries March 21-April 19 Leo July 23-August 22 Sagittarius November 22-December 21 Fire is said to be intuitive, positive, future-oriented and inspirational.
The Earth signs are……. Earth is stable, practical and good with money Taurus April 20-May 20 Virgo August 23-September 22 Capricorn December 22-January 19 Earth is stable, practical and good with money
The air signs are….. Air is intellectual, communicative and Gemini May21-June 21 Libra September 23-October 22 Aquarius January 20-February 18 Air is intellectual, communicative and Good with social relationship
The water signs are…. Water is emotional, sensitive and intuitive Cancer June 22-July 22 Scorpio October 23-November 21 Pisces February 19-March 20 Water is emotional, sensitive and intuitive