Model 1621M Trainer’s Guide
General Overview Model 1621M is a Geiger Meuller based Personal Radiation Detector (PRD) Complies with ANSI Used for individual monitoring or Exposure and Exposure Rate Capabable of Storing Accumulated Exposure and Communicating with a PC
Applications Emergency Workers / Responders Nuclear Power Nuclear Medicine (Radiopharmacy) Health Physics Anti-Terrorism, WMD Detection Event Management Many Others….
Features of Model 1621M 1Dose Rate Scale (seven segments) for quick visual 2Dose Rate Indicator (in DER Mode) 3% Variation in Dose Rate (in DER Mode) 4Dose Rate Averaging Time 5“Light/Set” button 6“Mode” button 7Speaker 8LCD 9IR Port 10Center of Detector 11Battery Compartment
Basic Power-Up Unscrew Battery Compartment Insert Battery (+) Side First Replace Battery Cover Check Display for Self Test (all Symbols lit) Wait 1 Minute for Self Test and Calibration Maximum Sensitivity if Detector is Facing Outward (on belt clip, etc)
Battery Replacement (cont.)
Mode After Power Up, Unit will Default to Measurement Mode Current Dose Rate (DER) Absorbed Dose (DE) Blind Mode (Display does not indicate radiation details) Communication Mode (Device is using IR port)
More Modes Battery (bat) – Device needs a new battery Alarm – Thresholds are exceeded Set Mode – Flashing indicators allow user to set various items
Toggle Between Modes
Continuous Monitoring Unit Continues to Record: Dose Rate Level (DER) Accumulated Dose Absorption (DE) Time Elapsed with Respect to DE EXCEPT while in Data-Transfer Mode (using IR Port)
Memory 1621M Stores in Memory: Dose Absorption (DE) Time Elapsed Relative to DE Measurement Thresholds for Alarms History Files on Dose Rates and Absorbed Dose
Safety and Usability Note If you expect High Dose Rates, include new battery (>0.1mS/Hr) If going to Temperatures below - 20C, Display will not function but alarm and storage of data will continue Avoid unnecessary shock, humidity, chemical, etc to the unit. Ship sealed and without battery installed
Manager Utilities Supervisor May: Adjust Alarm Thresholds Reset Absorbed Dose and Related Time Elapsed Modify Audible Settings (on / off) Permit or Disable Modes of Operation (DE, DER, Blind, Communication to PC)
Manager Set Up To Modify Thresholds for Alarm, Supervisor may use Mode and Light Buttons Hold Light Button for 5 seconds Cycle to Alarm 1 or 2 (press Light Button) Cycle to Parameter to Change (units, values, decimal place) using Light button Change Values using Mode button (press to increment value, hold for faster cycling of value) Hold Light Button when done
Adjust Using Lower Button
Advanced Set Up Use IR Communication to: Enable / Disable modes altogether Download History to PC Modify what Functionality User can Access (Such as Disable Ability for User to Dose Absorption and related Time) Develop Operational Protocols for User Group
Main User Mode 1 Dose Rate (DER) Displays the Following: Measurement in Units (uR/hr, mR/hr, R/hr) Simple Bar Indication (7 Segments, logarithmic) Averaging Time of DER Value (in seconds) Coefficient of DER Variation (as a % value) Quick Tip: Location of Radiation Source is quickly obtainable by using the DER value and sweeping a subject or area
Enable Search to Screen Cargo, Areas or Personnel
Enable Vibrate Mode for Increased Awareness
Main User Mode 2 Absorbed Dose of Radiation (DE) Indicates total absorbed dose since reset Accumulation Time since reset Reset Both Values by Holding the Light and Mode Button at the Same Time In PC Mode, this can be disabled. Also in PC Mode, DE values can be reset. Quick Tip: Use this mode before an event to track total absorbed dose.
Absorbed Dose Set-Up Modify the Alarm Thresholds similar to Dose Rate Mode Setup (DER) Hold Light Button to enter ‘adjust’, cycle values with “Mode” and variables with “Light” When Complete, Hold “Light” for 5 seconds to exit setup Threshold 1 is initial Alarm to indicate to user that first threshold is exceeded Threshold 2 is total allowable absorption This value is used to calculate remaining allowable stay time
Blind Mode Used to Monitor Status of Instrument Indicates Serial Number and Production Date
PC Communication Used to Set Up Instrument Save Stored Data Enable or Disable Local Access to Funtionality Need: IR Port on PC Software that came with unit