Prof. Pedro Y. de la Fé Rodríguez, PhD Agrobiodiversity education in the frame of the Master Program Advanced Animal Health Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de La Villas, CUBA Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry Head of Department of Vet Medicine and Animal Husbandry. Ctra. a Camajuani Km 5 S. Clara VC Cuba Tel.:
Introduction CoursesModuleCredits Obligatory Research MethodologyI3 Molecular BiologyI3 BiostatisticsI3 Molecular EpidemiologyII3 Proteins: studies and application in biosciencesII3 ImmunologyII3 Nutrition and HealthIII3 BiosafetyIII3 Programs for Diseases ControlIII3 Methodologies for the diagnoseIII3 Optative BioinformaticsIV2 Advances in animal nutritionIV2 Poultry diseasesIV3 ZoonosisIV3 Food safetyIV3 Internal Diseases of AnimalsIV3 Reproduction: biology and pathologyIV3
Introduction Research activitiesCredits Publication in a national journal2 Publication in an international journal4 Presentations in national events3 Presentations in international events4 Publication of a monograph1 Approval of projects, patents or registers2 Resume of the programCredits Obligatory courses30 Optative courses20 Thesis38 Optative from research activities16 Total104
Methodologic work Selected Courses for emphasizing on agrobiodiversity CourseModuleCredits Time distribution Presential Independent work Total Nutrition and Health III 3 36h (25%) 108h (75%) 144h Programs for diseases control Biosafety Molecular biology I
Current target topics in every selected course: how agrobiodiversity education should be implemented Course Nutrition and health Antinutritional factors. Strategies in animal feeding: Introducing sustainable strategies to attenuate antinutritional factors from local plants (candidates for animal feeding) in order to efficiently use them as alternative local resources. Biostimulants in animal nutrition: Deepen in the study of biostimulants of vegetal origin that can be obtained locally. Also, special emphasis on bee products should be considered. Prebiotics, probiotics and cofactors: Explaining the fact that the diverse surrounding environment is a source of these elements. Nutrients: Importance of recovering, maintaining and enriching biodiversity in order to have different sources of the diverse nutrients. Uses of biotechnology for the preparation of food for animal feeding: Regulations regarding the use of genetic modified organisms for animal feeding and during the preparation of food, as well as their repercussion on agrobiodiversity. Toxics and toxic plants in animal feeding: Studies on how to diminish the toxic effect of some plants and how they can be controlled by environmental friendly methods. Methodologic work
Current target topics in every selected course: how agrobiodiversity education should be implemented Course Programs for diseases control In most of topics related with infectious diseases: Hemolytic, Diseases of the Central Nervous System, Gastroenteric, Respiratory diseases, Skin and muscles diseasess, Swine red diseases, Granulomatous diseases, Retroviral diseases Emphasizing in the sources and ways of transmission of pathogens, especially in how the wild fauna affect farm animals, but also must be introduced the ways livestock influence on wild fauna Focusing the majority of problems of emerging and reemerging diseases as the result of disruptions of ecosystems and biodiversity. Introduction to researches in wild fauna genomics, aimed on looking for pathogens-resistant genes or even antibiotic/antiparasitic susceptibility genes for application in livestock. Multispecies farms and biodiversity. Epidemiological risks of multispecies farms because of multispecies adaptation of pathogens. Improving biodiversity by diversification of animal strains, and also by diversification of pathogens. Use of alternative methods for controlling pathogens identifying/using biotic relations and medicinal plants from the same agroecosystem. Methodologic work
Current target topics in every selected course: how agrobiodiversity education should be implemented Course Molecular Biology Mechanisms of genetic conservation: Explaining how to use genetics in order to recover, maintain and enrich biodiversity. Transposons and Transposable elements: Explaining the mechanisms of transmission of resistance through mobile genetic elements from animal microbiota to microbial ecology, and vice versa. Course Biosafety Regulations regarding biotechnology policies, ethics, property rights, safety and socio-economic problems. Biosafety and biotechnology. Definition and perception of risks for the agriculture: Emphasizing on genetic modified organisms and the role of veterinarians in the interface wildlife- livestock/domesticated animals/laboratories: what do they have to know about biodiversity? Methodologic work
Evaluation of the courses Routine evaluations (seminars, practicums, homework, informs) Final exam (Programs for Diseases Control and Molecular Biology)
University libraries (faculty and university ones, Institute of Plant Biotechnology and Centre for Agriculture Research). Every course has a folder in the central server of the faculty network containing the program of the course, electronic books, scientific papers, materials elaborated by professors, thesis of former students, PhD thesis, virtual laboratories. Interactive platform in Moodle. The central library of the University warrant access to the main international databases. Every student has an University account to access internet and international mail. Bibliography for the courses Access to information
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