1 IT Biostatistics Lecture 1 (2/23 & 2/24/2015)
Textbook & Grading Principles of Biostatistics by Pagano and Gauvreau. (2nd edition, Duxbury, Thomson Learning) Quizzes (15%) Midterm exams (25%x2) Final written exam (25%), Final MATLAB exam (10%) 2
week # PPT slides go by week # For example, week #1 slides can be retrieved at the URL /IT3030/ Lecture1.pptx 3
4 Wk 上課日期 / 時數教學進度 12015/2/232Holiday observed. Class suspended. 2015/2/241Ch 1 - Introduction 22015/3/22 Ch 2 - Data Representation Ch 3 - Numerical Summary Measures - part /3/31Ch 3 - Numerical Summary Measures - part /3/92Ch 4 - Rates and Standardization - part /3/101Ch 4 - Rates and Standardization - part /3/162Ch 6 - Probability and Diagnostic Tests - part /3/171MATLAB - statistics toolbox 52015/3/232Ch 6 - Probability and Diagnostic Tests - part /3/241Review before midterm exam 62015/3/302Mid-term exam #1 (Chapters 1 to 6) 2015/3/311Midterm exam discussion
5 項次上課日期 / 時數教學進度 72015/4/62Holiday. Class suspended. 2015/4/71Ch 7 - Theorectical Probability Distributions - part /4/132Ch 7 - Theorectical Probability Distributions - part /4/141Ch 7 - Theorectical Probability Distributions - part /4/202Ch 8 - Sampling Distribution of the Mean 2015/4/211Ch 9 - Confidence Interval - part /4/272Ch 9 - Confidence Interval - part /4/281Ch 9 - Confidence Interval - part /5/42Ch 10 - Hypothesis Testing - part /5/51Ch 10 - Hypothesis Testing - part /5/112Ch 11 - Comparison of Two Means - part /5/121Ch 11 - Comparison of Two Means - part /5/182Mid-term #2 (Chapters 7 to 11) 2015/5/191Midterm exam discussion
6 項次上課日期 / 時數教學進度 /5/252Ch 12 - Analysis of Variance - part /5/261Ch 12 - Analysis of Variance - part /6/12Ch 17 - Correlation - part /6/21Ch 17 - Correlation - part /6/82Ch 18 - Simple Linear Regression - part /6/91Ch 18 - Simple Linear Regression - part /6/152Ch 19 - Multiple Regression - part /6/161Ch 19 - Multiple Regression - part /6/222Final Exam - Written Test (Chapters 12 and beyond) 2015/6/231Final Exam - MATLAB Test
課堂重要規定 親自 準時 到課並 親自 簽到 未到課者一律登錄於校務資訊系統 畢業班同學須完成全部 18 週的課程 No food & drinks (except bottle water inside classroom) 7
8 Chapter 1 - Introduction
9 1.1 What is Biostatistics? biologystatistics biometry biometricsBiostatistics (a hybrid word made from biology and statistics ; sometimes referred to as biometry or biometrics ) statistics biologyThe application of statistics to a wide range of topics in biology. (Wikipedia)
10 Cont ’ d The science of biostatistics : the design of biological experiments –(1) the design of biological experiments, especially in medicine and agriculture; collectionsummarization analysis of data –(2) the collection, summarization, and analysis of data from those experiments; interpretation inference ( 推論 ) –(3) the interpretation of, and inference ( 推論 ) from, the results.
Educational programs postgraduateAlmost all educational programs in biostatistics are at postgraduate ( 學 士後 ) level. [For example, many schools of law or medicine in US.] public healthThey are most often found in schools of public health ( 公共衛生 ), affiliated with schools of medicine, agriculture or as a focus of application in departments of statistics.
12 Cont ’ d mathematicsstatistics epidemiologyIn the United States, while several universities have dedicated biostatistics departments, many other top-tier universities integrate biostatistics faculty into mathematics, statistics or other departments, such as epidemiology ( 流行病學 ).
13 Cont ’ d bioinformatics ( 生物資訊 ) computational biology ( 計算生物 學 )Relatively new biostatistics departments have been founded with a focus on bioinformatics ( 生物資訊 ) and computational biology ( 計算生物 學 ) epidemiological studies clinical trials ( 臨床試驗 )Older departments, typically affiliated with schools of public health, will have more traditional lines of research involving epidemiological studies and clinical trials ( 臨床試驗 ).
15 設立目的 提高學術研究,發展統計科學應用於 臨床 醫學研究 中所產生之資訊研究範疇,如: 臨床試驗 、 臨床流行病學 、 藥物經濟 學 及 遺傳流行病學 。 解決因 更多更大量的資料 產生所帶來之 科學研究課題,應用生物統計之研究服務 更應有 電腦化、直接化及大量化之處 理並以符合國際標準為原則 。
研究教學 建立「臨床試驗研究學程」制度 大型 資料庫之處理 發展應用生物統計之理論依據及大型 資料庫之處理 生物 資訊資料處理 結合生物統計及資訊演譯法發展生物 資訊資料處理 提昇校內生醫統計與資料分析專業教 育 舉辦統計諮詢課程訓練 16
List of statistical packages (wiki) public domain / open source / freeware retail (commercial) –SAS (originally Statistical Analysis System) –Stata (hybrid of Statistics & Data) –SPSS (originally Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, later modified to read Statistical Product and Service Solutions) –MATLAB 18
Take home problems Briefly describe and explain the followings: –Bioinformatics –Computational biology –Epidemiology –Clinical trial –Pharmacoeconomics 19