9am12pm3pm6pm9pm12am 1am9am12pm3pm6pm9pm12am3am6am9am SLEEP M1: Tech. Demo Navigate empty world using imported art. M1: Tech. Demo Navigate empty world using imported art. BREAK 48-Hour Video Game Contest Programmer/Designer, Artist M7: Gold Game complete and ready for distribution. M7: Gold Game complete and ready for distribution. M3: Engaging Major mechanic is engaging for player. M3: Engaging Major mechanic is engaging for player. M2: Playable Major mechanic is playable; scores, win/lose M2: Playable Major mechanic is playable; scores, win/lose M6: Features Game is complete; remaining work is only extra polish. M6: Features Game is complete; remaining work is only extra polish. Main Menu Title Screen Character Art Effects UI Elements Level Secondary Mechanic Special Effects Debug/ Slack Infrastructure Control Tuning Signature Effect Level Loading Con- trols Primary Mech.Design Balance Mechanics Primary Mechanic Refactor Tune Gameplay M5: Gameplay Game is playable, understandable, and enjoyable by regular players. M5: Gameplay Game is playable, understandable, and enjoyable by regular players. Debug/ Slack HUD & UI Audio Effects Programmer- Designer 2D / 3D Artist Milestones Art Tweaks Day 1 Day 2 Revise Level
M1: Proposal Proposal worksheet and supporting documents. M1: Proposal Proposal worksheet and supporting documents. 3-Week Board Game Student Project Producer, Designer, Artist, Writer M7: Present In-class project presentation M7: Present In-class project presentation M4: Analysis Mech. Analysis complete, major mechanics game roughly balanced. M4: Analysis Mech. Analysis complete, major mechanics game roughly balanced. M3: Prototype Playable prototype complete. Primary mechanics in place. M3: Prototype Playable prototype complete. Primary mechanics in place. M6: Feature Complete Game is complete; remaining work is only extra polish. M6: Feature Complete Game is complete; remaining work is only extra polish. Proposal Brainstorming M5: Design Complete Game is balanced. Mechanics are locked down. M5: Design Complete Game is balanced. Mechanics are locked down. Milestones Producer Designer Writer Artist Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Week 1: Preproduction Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Week 2: Production Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Week 3: Polish M2: Overview All design doc sections drafted, Overview, Rel. Games, Theme/World, Composites, Ref & Concept Art complete. M2: Overview All design doc sections drafted, Overview, Rel. Games, Theme/World, Composites, Ref & Concept Art complete. Design Meeting Major Internal Playtest (4 h) Mechanics Analysis (4h) Assemble Prototype (2 h) Rule book Test Writeup (1h) Major Internal Playtest (4h) Illustrate Rules Assembly Related Games Research and Writeup (4h) Schedule & Tech Worksheet (3h) Budget (1h) Rehearse Presentation (1h) Make Slides (1h) Box and Box Art Flavor Text Outline Presentation Edit Design Doc Concept Art Reference Art Kleenex Playtest Present Rehearse Presentation (1h) Final Slide Adjustments Print Board & Cards Board Art Test Printing Theme Wroksheet Sketch State, Mechanics (3h) World, Player Composites Print Revise Art Final Artwork Edit Rule Book Minor Balance Adjust (2h) Test Writeup (1h) Design Meeting Proposal Card Art
M1: Proposal Proposal worksheet and supporting documents. M1: Proposal Proposal worksheet and supporting documents. 4-Week Video Game Student Project Producer/Programmer, Programmer, Designer/Writer, 1 Artists (for 2D) or 3 Artists (for 3D) Team is already trained on a game engine and art tools M3: Technology Demo Demonstrate artist content and major mechanics implemented in-engine. M3: Technology Demo Demonstrate artist content and major mechanics implemented in-engine. Milestones Producer / Programmer Programmer Designer / Writer Artists M2: Overview All design doc sections drafted, Overview, Rel. Games, Theme/World, Composites, Ref & Concept Art complete. M2: Overview All design doc sections drafted, Overview, Rel. Games, Theme/World, Composites, Ref & Concept Art complete. Preproduction Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Proposal Brainstorming Technology Plan (Algorithms) Reference Art Theme Wroksheet World, Player Composites Proposal Concept Art Design Meeting Related Games Research and Writeup (4h) Sketch State and Mechanics Schedule Technology Plan (Tools) Reference Art Infrastructure Test Art Import Workflow Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Implement Primary Mechanic Implement Secondary Mechanic Main Character Prototype UI Sound Effects (Code and Assets) UI Art Implement Primary Mechanic Implement Secondary Mechanic Networking or AI Tools for Tuning Mechanics Prototype Sound Effects Revise Mechanics from Programmer Feedback Design Meeting Prototype Level Level Art Level Design Production
M4: Engaging Gameplay is engaging M4: Engaging Gameplay is engaging Milestones Producer / Programmer Programmer Designer / Writer Artists Production Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Menus Title Screen Main Menu Background Installer Crash Testing Refactoring Infrastructure Tune Controls Internal Playtest General Meeting Additional Characters Test Writeup (1h) Internal Playtest Level Art Insert UI Art Design Meeting Mechanics Reviset Mechanics Equipment Art Effects Art M5: Analysis Mech. Analysis complete, major mechanics game roughly balanced. M5: Analysis Mech. Analysis complete, major mechanics game roughly balanced. Mechanics Analysis Dialogue, Tags, and In-Game Instructions Mechanics Polish Presentation Debugging Kleenex Playtest Test Writeup (1h) M5: Design Complete Game is balanced. Mechanics are locked down. M5: Design Complete Game is balanced. Mechanics are locked down. M6: Feature Complete Game is complete; remaining work is only extra polish. M6: Feature Complete Game is complete; remaining work is only extra polish. Website Kleenex Playtest Rehearse Presentation (1h) Make Slides (1h) Final Slide Adjustments Rehearse Presentation (1h) Tune Mechanics M7: Present In-class project presentation M7: Present In-class project presentation
M1: Proposal Proposal worksheet and supporting documents. M1: Proposal Proposal worksheet and supporting documents. 2-Year Commercial Video Game 5 Programmers, 20 Artists M7: Present In-class project presentation M7: Present In-class project presentation M4: Analysis Mech. Analysis complete, major mechanics game roughly balanced. M4: Analysis Mech. Analysis complete, major mechanics game roughly balanced. M3: Prototype Playable prototype complete. Primary mechanics in place. M3: Prototype Playable prototype complete. Primary mechanics in place. M6: Feature Complete Game is complete; remaining work is only extra polish. M6: Feature Complete Game is complete; remaining work is only extra polish. Proposal Brainstorming M5: Design Complete Game is balanced. Mechanics are locked down. M5: Design Complete Game is balanced. Mechanics are locked down. Milestones Producer Designer Writer Artist Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Week 1: Preproduction Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Week 1: Production Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Week 3: Polish M2: Overview All design doc sections drafted, Overview, Rel. Games, Theme/World, Composites, Ref & Concept Art complete. M2: Overview All design doc sections drafted, Overview, Rel. Games, Theme/World, Composites, Ref & Concept Art complete. Design Meeting Major Internal Playtest (4 h) Mechanics Analysis (4h) Assemble Prototype (2 h) Rule book Test Writeup (1h) Major Internal Playtest (4h) Illustrate Rules Assembly Related Games Research and Writeup (4h) Schedule & Tech Worksheet (3h) Budget (1h) Rehearse Presentation (1h) Make Slides (1h) Box and Box Art Flavor Text Outline Presentation Edit Design Doc Concept Art Reference Art Kleenex Playtest Present Rehearse Presentation (1h) Final Slide Adjustments Print Board & Cards Board Art Test Printing Theme Wroksheet Sketch State, Mechanics (3h) World, Player Composites Print Revise Art Final Artwork Edit Rule Book Minor Balance Adjust (2h) Test Writeup (1h) Design Meeting Proposal Card Art TEMPORARY