Beijing, China, July 2005 How to set EUROPEAN PROPOSAL Rémi RONCHAUD ERCIM EEIG France Beijing, China, July 2005
Brief Introduction The European Commission implements Framework Programmes (FP) to support research activities. FP6 (2004 – 2007) budget devoted to GRID initiatives is of 325Meuro. The European Commission issues periodically Calls for proposals on different specific domains. There are different kinds of projects funded by the European Commission Only the very best project proposals are retained and only these will receive financial support from the European Commission. The rules for participation to proposals are specific to the kind of project being submitted. Chinese partners can participate and be funded. The good preparation of a proposal is a Key Success Factor.
Beijing, China, July 2005 Prepare a Proposal Submission to the European Commission Evaluation of the proposal ACCEPTED REJECTED Negotiation Final Approval Signature of the contract Selection Process
Beijing, China, July 2005 H o w t o p r o c e e d ? Joint Programme Funding Negotiation Evaluation Submission Beijing, China, July 2005
1. Scientific motivation: Ideas, objectives 10 Steps of Proposal Preparation Determine your objectives Find an innovative approach Define intermediate results Identify the different components Establish a workplan
Beijing, China, July Scientific motivation: Ideas, objectives 2. Consortium: Building the project team 10 Steps of Proposal Preparation
Beijing, China, July 2005 Identify the required expertise to achieve the workplan Find and attract the corresponding partners Gather a critical mass of scientific excellence Ensure good representation of all the stakeholders (industry, academia, end users) Find a scientific coordinator Find administrative & financial coordinator Identify task leaders responsible for carrying out the different sub tasks composing the project Avoid overlap of competencies Stimulate synergies Consortium: Building the project team
Beijing, China, July Scientific motivation: Ideas, objectives 2. Consortium: Building the project team 3. Positioning: Identifying the appropriate Call 10 Steps of Proposal Preparation
Beijing, China, July 2005 The proposal selection follows a very specific procedure Sixth Framework Programme is subdivided in distinct Calls for Proposals. Each Call is covering a given number of research priorities Since the start of FP6, there have been 5 calls for proposals But only Call 2 and Call 5 addressed GRID related initiatives Careful selection of the Call is essential Each Call must be answered within a strict deadline Identifying the appropriate Call To find information on the upcoming Calls:
Beijing, China, July 2005 First FP6 call Pushing the limits of CMOS, preparing for post-CMOS Micro and nano-systems Broadband for all Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G Towards a global dependability and security framework Multimodal interfaces Semantic-based knowledge systems Networked audiovisual systems and home platforms Networked businesses and governments eSafety of road and air transports e Health Technology-enhanced learning and access to cultural heritage Second Call Advanced displays Optical, opto-electronic, & photonic functional components Open development platforms for software and services Cognitive systems Embedded systems Applications and services for the mobile user and worker Cross-media content for leisure and entertainment GRID-based Systems for solving complex problems Improving Risk management eInclusion Call example
Beijing, China, July Scientific motivation: Ideas, objectives 2. Consortium: Building the project team 3. Positioning: Identifying the appropriate Call 4. Selecting the appropriate Instrument 10 Steps of Proposal Preparation
Beijing, China, July 2005 Selecting the appropriate Tool There are different kinds of project frames to follow in every Call. Integrated Projects –Objective driven Networks of Excellence –Exploratory research Targeted research projects – (address specific issues) Co-ordination actions Specific Support Actions Calls for proposals will identify –which instruments are to be used, –which have priority …. and for what
Beijing, China, July 2005 Integrated Projects (IP) Designed to support research that is objective and result driven (clearly defined objectives and results) Partnership (Open): –minimum 3 participants from three different countries (2 from MS) (but in practice likely to be substantially more) Duration wise (Open): –three to five years (more if necessary to deliver the objectives) In a typical integrated project, more than 25 partners receive almost 10 M for a period of 3-4 years to which they add an equivalent amount as the Community funds only 50% of the costs.
Beijing, China, July 2005 Networks of Excellence (NoE) To reinforce scientific and technological excellence by integrating research capacities across Europe and world-wide. To create or reinforce scientific communities Joint Programme of Activity : RTD, education& training, technology transfer, mobility programme... Size Several M per year (average1-2M) Participants (Open to all) –minimum of 3 (2 MS) : Universities, Research Labs, Industrial Labs –bringing together a critical mass of key actors –universities, research centres, enterprises (SMEs & large companies) –Research oriented
Beijing, China, July 2005 Specific Targeted REsearch Projects Principle: focused on one specific activity & specific results – by supporting research activities of more limited scope & ambition than Integrated Projects Similar to current RTD contracts – combined research & demonstration Participation: at least two independent organisations – from at least two Member States or Associated States – more limited than for Integrated Projects – particularly for smaller research actors, including SMEs and for participants from candidate countries – Joint and several financial liability STREPs are a recommended instrument
Beijing, China, July 2005 SSAs & CAs Specific Support Actions (SSA) To support the implementation of FP6 & help the preparation of future Framework Programme To stimulate, encourage and facilitate the participation of: - SMEs - Small research teams - Newly developed and remote research centres - Organizations from the Candidate Countries Coordination Actions (CA) Definition, organisation, management of joint or common initiatives. Organisation of conferences, meeting, workshop, seminars Exchange of personnel Exchange and dissemination of good practices Setting up common information systems Teaming up research communities and expert groups.
Beijing, China, July Scientific motivation: Ideas, objectives 2. Consortium: Building the project team 3. Positioning: Identifying the appropriate Call 4. Selecting the appropriate Tool 5. Preparation: Writing of the proposal 6. Preparation: Writing of the proposal 10 Steps of Proposal Preparation
Beijing, China, July 2005 Proposal Preparation Preparation of the proposal according to strict guidelines and procedures: Description of work, budget, coordination, management, deliverables, reports S&T objectives, socio-economic impact Outline implementation plan for whole duration Detailed implementation plan for first 18 months Global budget estimate Justification of resources and budget Ethical and safety issues... The complete quidelines for proposers are available on-line at:
Beijing, China, July Scientific motivation: Ideas, objectives 2. Consortium: Building the project team 3. Positioning: Identifying the appropriate Call 4. Selecting the appropriate Tool 5. Preparation: Writing of the proposal 6. Preparation: Writing of the proposal 7. Submission 10 Steps of Proposal Preparation Submission before strict deadline: paper version, electronic submission
Beijing, China, July Scientific motivation: Ideas, objectives 2. Consortium: Building the project team 3. Positioning: Identifying the appropriate Call 4. Selecting the appropriate Instrument 5. Preparation: Writing of the proposal 6. Preparation: Writing of the proposal 7. Submission 8. Evaluation 10 Steps of Proposal Preparation
Beijing, China, July 2005 Evaluation process Evaluation by a strengthened peer-review system in stages, involving individual reviews, panel sessions, and possibly hearings of applicants Evaluation criteria (with thresholds) include: –Relevance to objectives of Specific Programme –Scientific & Technical excellence –Effectiveness of knowledge management –Scale of ambition and potential impact –Critical mass in terms of activities and resources –Quality of project management i
Beijing, China, July Scientific motivation: Ideas, objectives 2. Consortium: Building the project team 3. Positioning: Identifying the appropriate Call 4. Selecting the appropriate Tool 5. Preparation: Writing of the proposal 6. Preparation: Writing of the proposal 7. Submission 8. Evaluation 9. Negotiation 10 Steps of Proposal Preparation Validation of the scope of the project, budget, recommendations Several negotiation rounds are possible
Beijing, China, July Scientific motivation: Ideas, objectives 2. Consortium: Building the project team 3. Positioning: Identifying the appropriate Call 4. Selecting the appropriate Tool 5. Preparation: Writing of the proposal 6. Preparation: Writing of the proposal 7. Submission 8. Evaluation 9. Negotiation 10. Implementation: project start SUCCESS 10 Steps of Proposal Preparation
Beijing, China, July 2005 Strong Selection: Call 1 example 236 projects were selected out of 1398 submitted. Proposals received: Total grant requested : M Proposals with all criteria above thresholds : 377 Total grant requested : M Total budget for first call : M Selection is hard, but the best and well prepared proposals should be successful
Beijing, China, July 2005 ERCIM Members Have unanimously and jointly expressed their desire to collaborate with China in GRID technologies.
Beijing, China, July 2005 Thank You Rémi RONCHAUD ERCIM EEIG, France