1 Exploring the Cold Universe A Planetarium Show for the IYA 2009 Agnès ACKER (APLF) and Henri BOFFIN (ESO) CAP 2007 |
2 Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array one of the largest ground-based astronomy projects of the next decade Atacama desert, Chajnantor plateau - altitude 5000 metres 66 high-tech antennas working as an interferometer Observing in 0.3 to 9.6 mm range sub-millimetre 12-m array: 50 antennas Compact array: 4 12-m and 12 7-m antennas Antennas can be moved: 150m to 18km ‘zoom’ The ALMA Project CAP 2007 |
3 An international endeavour: East Asia (Japan & Taiwan), Europe (ESO), North America (USA & Canada), and Chile Timeline: Construction started in Nov First antennas in 2007 First science with small array: 2010 Science with full array: 2012 The ALMA Project CAP 2007 |
4 Operating at 5000 m altitude Highest scientific building Air is thin - only 50% of sea level oxygen Desert Area - extreme conditions 115-ton antennas will be moved regularly Superconducting receivers operate at -269 degrees Celsius A Technological Challenge CAP 2007 |
5 Planetarium show CAP 2007 | Association des Planétariums de Langue Française observatoire de Strasbourg, Université Louis Pasteur 11 rue de l’université F Strasbourg Tél Fax – Association of French Language Planetariums Born in 1984, officially created in members in 2007 (Planetariums workers, astronomers, vendors) Member of the International Planetarium Society
6 CAP 2007 | Coordination of operations for ~ 50 Planetariums visitors per year in France ~ visitors per year in France Annual Journal Planétariums Training sessions Books and CDroms Show production for French and European Planetarium for French and European Planetarium a unique experience a unique experience
7 Organisation CAP 2007 | Previous European Shows APLF conducted a show in 2001 with Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (37 Planetariums) ESO/APLF-ADP/Augsburg in 2002 (45 Planetariums) already shown about 3 millions visitors since Planetariums have taken option Working Group « executive production » Pilot Committee « direction of the work » + Scientific Committee
8 ESO - APLF agreement production of a multi- language show of 30 minutes 3 technical levels : Full Dome Video (FDV) AllSky immersive projection and video windows Images projection and video window Planetarium show CAP 2007 |
9 ESO scientific data and validation of the story-board visual elements (high resolution images & videos) documents for schools and universities financial support APLF Story-board: text, choice of images & video Realisation images, video (inc FDV), voices & music Production in French language Versions in English, Italian, Spanish, Dutch Promotion, duplication, and diffusion in France and Europe Augsburg Planetarium German version ESO Chilean version Planetarium show CAP 2007 |
10 Scientific content CAP 2007 | The electromagnetic spectrum Millimetre and sub-mm domain Interferometry Analysis of distant galaxies Redshift of galaxies from the early universe Stellar formation regions in distant galaxies Kinematics of AGN galaxies and quasars with high resolution The cold universe Structure of proto-stellar discs and molecular clouds Chemical study of circumstellar envelopes inside the Galaxy Formation of stars and planetary systems Detection and study of exoplanets
11 Scientific content CAP 2007 | Highlights on Exoplanets and life in the Universe Start: Chajnantor region Proplyds in Orion and other nebulae Protoplanetary discs around protostars with same ingredients as our planets Can life emerge elsewhere ?
12 The Programme CAP 2007 | A Spectacle of quality - technically and scientifically In 7 languages Related to educational and outreach activities ALMA Interdisciplinary Teaching Project ALMA EPO WG A Spectacle that is interesting for families! (from 7 to 77 year old kids)
13 IYA 2009 CAP 2007 | years since Galileo From first look through a telescope to an armada of telescopes located in a unique location From discovering satellites of Jupiter to looking for (exo-)planets around other stars and life in the Universe. Atacama Desert geology, biology Earth! ALMA technology, astronomy Exoplanets science, philosophy
14 Schedule CAP 2007 | October 2007 Collect all data (text, images, video) 1st December 2007Story-board 1st April 2008Realisation of the masters (visual, sound) Validation by the pilot-Planetariums (Montpellier, Brussels-Epinal, Augsburg) Realisation of other languages versions September 2008Duplication (APLF), diffusion, integration October 2008Opening for schools 2009 JanuaryInauguration Shown in all participating planetaria
15 Thank you ! CAP 2007 |
16 The cold Universe The formation of galaxies, stars and planets Emission from dust and molecules A new window on our Cosmic Origins Millimetre Astronomy CAP 2007 | a “dark” cloud