Problems with keeping the safety distance between vehicles on the roads Czech Technical University in Prague Faculty of Transportation Sciences Department of Forensic Experts in Transportation Petr SmilekBrussels,
Issue road accidents in the Czech Republic in 2008 Breaking the safety distance is the 2nd frequent reason of accidents – 17% Petr Smilek
Main idea Design and construction of vertical and horizontal traffic sings These signs will urge the drivers to keep the safety distance The drivers will able to correct and set right distance by means of these signs Petr Smilek
Inspiration The inspiration was found on motorways in Great Britain Petr Smilek
Implementation Choosing of the proper section of the road First measurement Installation of sings Second measurement Statistical processing Petr Smilek
Target of project Research of effectuality and influence of these traffic signs on roads in Czech republic Reduction of road accidents caused by wrong distance Inspiration for country councils Petr Smilek
Thank You! Smilek Petr