Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Business Disaster Resiliency Program Module 3 How to Begin Reducing Your Business’ Exposure or Risk
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Mitigation Mitigation efforts reduce risk by reducing either: Disaster Likelihood (the chance that a disaster occurs) Disaster Consequences (the damages caused by a disaster)
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Earthquake Mitigation Tempered glass / safety film Flexible utility connections / auto shutoff valves Flexible water supply lines Furniture / appliance bracing Inventory bracing / support Mechanical and plumbing ‘hangers’ Computer and equipment bracing/tie-downs Latched / locked cabinets and drawers Surge protectors Flammable / hazardous materials safety Emergency generator installation
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Earthquake Mitigation: QuakeSmart Video Click movie to play – Runtime 8:10
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Video: Preparing Your Office (Earthquakes) Click movie to play – Runtime 6:47
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Video: Securing a Bookcase (Earthquakes) Click movie to play – Runtime 1:58
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Video: Securing a Bookcase 2 (Earthquakes) Click movie to play – Runtime 2:14
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Video: Securing a Water Heater (Earthquakes) Click movie to play – Runtime 6:11
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Video: Securing Cabinets (Earthquakes) Click movie to play – Runtime 2:37
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Video: Securing Wall Hangings (Earthquakes) Click movie to play – Runtime 2:06
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Flood Mitigation Modifications to the Building or Structure Elevate the structure above the BFE Relocate the structure to higher ground Wet floodproof the structure Dry floodproof the structure Install flood panels to entryways and lower windows Construct flood barriers / walls around the structure Move electrical components and junction box, and utility shutoff access, above base flood elevation
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Flood Mitigation Non-Structural Mitigation Measures Install surge protectors on valuable electronics Elevate equipment, machinery, tools, valuable Inventory, and paper-based records Reserve emergency storage on upper floors Install sewer backflow prevention valve Install a sump pump and ensure backup power exists Install flood barriers around basement equipment and appliances that cannot be moved Purchase and hardwire a generator
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Flood Mitigation Agricultural Mitigation Construct ‘Critter Pads’ for livestock Raise equipment and machinery when floods are imminent
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Severe Winter Storm Mitigation Insulated and freeze-proof plumbing Roof snow load capacity Snow-removal contracts Ice dam prevention Vehicle modifications for snow and cold Generator installation
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Windstorm Mitigation Modifications to the Building / Structure Bolt down roof equipment Repair roofing and flashing Install impact-resistant materials Secure signs, stacks, lighting, and other external equipment and features Use wind-rated windows and doors Install shutters on windows and doors Avoid roof gravel or ballast Move electrical service lines under ground
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Windstorm Mitigation Non-structural Mitigation Measures Secure carports, canopies, and overhangs Install surge protectors Install a generator Agricultural Mitigation Plant or build wind breaks
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Data Backup Why backup data? Theft Building flooded Power surge Fire Building / roof collapse Hard drive failure Loss of files Building inaccessible
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Data Backup Strategy Decide where to backup data Select media Consider your short- and long-term data needs Develop a data backup protocol Consider how storage might be impacted by hazard events
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Data Backup Tips Make backups part of your normal schedule Base schedule on how often data changes Keep multiple versions (at least 3) Supplement with incremental backups Test your backups periodically Review backup logs to identify problems or errors Maintain both onsite AND online backup versions for critical data
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Online Data Backup Are backups automatic? Is selective data backup possible? Is there a ‘ status window ’ ? Are interruptions allowed? Is automatic backup scheduling allowed? Does the system have a file manager? Does the system allow multiple file versions? Does the system allow archiving? Are individual files accessible?
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Online Data Backup, Cont. Can files be restored to different computers? Are files both PC and Mac accessible? Can files be set with sharing settings? Can large files be hosted or sent? Can files be accessed via PDA / mobile? Encryption (transfer, storage)? Is there ‘ geo-redundancy ’ Cost per month / year? How much storage is provided? What are the customer support options?
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Utilities Before a Disaster Locate main utility service points Determine the need for technical knowledge Ensure that access is possible Mark/tag each service point Test water/electricity shutoff
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Gas Emergency Shutoff If in an emergency, you don’t smell gas or hear it escaping, you probably do not need to shut it off If you smell gas or hear a hissing or blowing noise, evacuate the premises immediately and call the fire department unless you can quickly and safely reach the shutoff valve If you have access to the gas meter outside the house, you can use a wrench to turn the valve one quarter turn in either direction so that it is crosswise to the pipe If you turn off gas, use a professional plumber or HVAC technician to turn it back on
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Electricity Emergency Shutoff Always shut off the individual circuits before shutting off the main breaker Do not turn off electrical service if your feet are in standing water or if the electrical service box is touching water in any way
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Water Emergency Shutoff It is good to turn off the water supply if there is a chance commercial water might be cut off or lose pressure. This will prevent water from draining from the structure at the main valve After a disaster, turning off the water will prevent further damage caused by leaks that may have occurred behind walls due to the structure shifting
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Video: Generator Setup and Safety Click movie to play – Runtime 5:56
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Video: Shutting Off Electricity Click movie to play – Runtime 0:48
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Video: Shutting Off Natural Gas Click movie to play – Runtime 2:54
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Video: Shutting Off Propane Gas Click movie to play – Runtime 2:23
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Video: Shutting Off Water Click movie to play – Runtime 0:52
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Mitigation Partnerships Why Partner? Draw upon each others’ experiences, resources, and policies already in place in the community Reduce redundancy Make mitigation more affordable and effective Have a more holistic sense of mitigation actions Bring about risk reduction in a way individuals cannot
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Mitigation Partners Industry and Business Infrastructure (transportation, Utilities, Housing) Volunteer and Community-Based Organizations Health Care Government Workers Education
Cowlitz-Lewis Economic Development District th Avenue North, Adm. Annex, Kelso, WA Ph: ; FAX: Characteristics of Mitigation Partners Authority to make decisions Understand and respect hazards Understand community vulnerability Acknowledge risk responsibility Have knowledge of how to address risk Have the desire to address / mitigate risks Have the ability to communicate mitigation needs and benefits