Reducing excessive and inappropriate speed Author: Jana Mertová
The location of cross-roads The project is intent on the cross-roads in the big Moravian city Olomouc, which is located in the Czech republic. The project is intent on the cross-roads in the big Moravian city Olomouc, which is located in the Czech republic. The cross-roads is situated The cross-roads is situated - near the school, - close the tramway stopovers, - in enclosed country, - fronted downhill.
On the maps of the Czech Republic you can see the accurate location of the cross-roads
The problem is: Great and continuous road traffic, Great and continuous road traffic, cars here go very quickly, cars here go very quickly, the cross-roads is unclear, the cross-roads is unclear, children often are in a hurry on tramway and they don´t look around, children often are in a hurry on tramway and they don´t look around, road users have too bad view of the cross- roads. road users have too bad view of the cross- roads.
From my point of view this traffic situation needs some change. There is important to increase road safety. Change: Change: I would like to change this dangerous situation. The change should be following: - In front of the crosswalk there would be situated silhouettes of children or people in life sizes. - These silhouettes mustnt defend in a view of walkers and other road users. - The silhouettes should be produced by pupils of the school.
Intention of the change: This precaution should lead to insecurity of drivers and to reducing speed. This precaution should lead to insecurity of drivers and to reducing speed.
Thank you for your attention Now, there are some photos of the cross- roads.