Livingston School District Livingston School District - Module #1
Module #1: Introduction The Classroom Environment - Managing Classroom Procedures Instructional time is maximized due to efficient classroom routines and procedures. Students contribute to the management of instructional groups, transitions, and/or the handling of materials and supplies. Routines are well understood and may be initiated by students. Students are productively engaged Transitions are smooth Efficient routines are established Students understand classroom expectations Livingston School District - Module #1
Module #1: Steps for Completion 1. Read through the “Module Introduction” that is found in the online module #1 materials. 2. Watch suggested videos and fill out video reflection form as you are watching it. 3. With the assistance the Instructional Support Specialist (ISS) arrange to observe another teacher for a class period. Look for transitions, expectations (rules) and classroom routines. Complete the classroom observation 4. With the assistance of the Instructional Support Specialist, video tape your classroom for a class period with special emphasis on student transitions, Expectations, and Classroom routines. Then fill out the self reflection form. 5. Meet with ISS Livingston School District - Module #1
Definitions: Engaged students: When students are willingly and productively focused on the expected task. Students take pride in their learning by understanding material and incorporating it into their lives. Engagement Strategies: Approaches teachers use to foster the learning potential of all students. Transition: When the teacher has students change from one task of instruction to another. Livingston School District - Module #1
Definitions: Routine: easily done according to a set way or method A routine is established for…daily lunch count, dismissal from class, materials. Procedure: an accepted way of doing something A procedure is taught, modeled, practiced and reinforced. Livingston School District - Module #1
What are efficient classroom routines and procedures? Please link for detailed overview with descriptions: -Engagement Strategies -Transitions -Routines and Procedures Livingston School District - Module #1
Please click here to access Video/Observation Checklist. ed&v=ZzvPwvxnBrQ Livingston School District - Module #1
Self Assessment Consider how you… Use the student engagement strategies? Effectively transition? What classroom routines have you established? Complete the Self Assessment document found within this link. Livingston School District - Module #1
Self-video and Reflection As you view the video… Identify when and how you used the “Engagement Strategies” during your instruction. Describe your transitions…How long did the transitions take? Was there loss of instructional time? Is there evidence that students understand the routines? Describe the classroom routines you observed. Identify a routine that would be beneficial for your classroom that you don’t currently do. *Click link to complete the Video Reflection document. Livingston School District - Module #1
Wrap-up Conference/Reflection You will need to schedule a time to meet with a support staff. During the conference address these questions: 1. What went well? 2. What happened that you did not anticipate? 3. What became evident after watching the video that you were not aware of? 4. If you were to do the lesson again, what would you do differently? *Here lies your final document…click it NOW! Livingston School District - Module #1
Documentation of Completion Send an to the following stating that you have completed this adventure: Your building administrator Instructional Coach Superintendent Reminder to please keep copies of all documentation. Livingston School District - Module #1