Finding GIS Data for Incident Response Sarah Hartsburg GIS Technician Sundance Consulting, Inc. for NPS Fire GIS
Module Objectives Describe and provide a list of data sources for wildland fire incident responseDescribe and provide a list of data sources for wildland fire incident response Discuss data drive and overview of data on the driveDiscuss data drive and overview of data on the drive Demonstrate workflow for preparing to create a quick map using the data driveDemonstrate workflow for preparing to create a quick map using the data drive
Data Sources for Wildland Fire Incident Response Connected Websites which allow for data to be downloadedWebsites which allow for data to be downloaded Internet map servicesInternet map services Pre-assembled data on local drivesPre-assembled data on local drives Disconnected Pre-assembled data stored on local drivesPre-assembled data stored on local drives
Data Sources for Connected Environments- Data Download Sites USGS Rapid Data Delivery Site (RDDS): NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway: NIFC FTP site: USTopo: FSTopo – USFS created Topo Maps: regions/states.php regions/states.php
Data Sources for Connected Environments- Internet Map Services MODIS Active Fire Mapping site: USDA National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP): USTopo: ces/USGSTopo/MapServer ces/USGSTopo/MapServer USGS Basemap services: ces/ ces/
Continued - Internet Map Services USGS National Map Viewer services: ml ml NPS internal map services: ces ces NPS external map services:
Base Data - Pre-assembled Data Drives DEMs Internet Layer Files Orthoimagery Topo Maps Vector Data Google Earth Files Other Maps
Other Materials - Pre-assembled Data Drives In addition to base data the data drives also include: Template incident folder Sample incident maps Training materials and job aids ArcGIS software and utilities
Template Incident Folder
Demo – Using the Data Drive
Copy the Template Incident Folder to Your Local Hard Drive and Re-name It
In the Incident Folder, open the Projects Folder and Double click to open the Start.mxd
Copy Any Imagery or Other Base Data to Your Incident Folder
Add Any Other Base Data to Your Map and Save It Again