Peter Rees Jones JISC Lifelong Learning Programme CETIS LIPSIG University of Nottingham e-Portfolio for Lifelong Learning Project University of Leeds Building.


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Presentation transcript:

Peter Rees Jones JISC Lifelong Learning Programme CETIS LIPSIG University of Nottingham e-Portfolio for Lifelong Learning Project University of Leeds Building Scenarios of e-Portfolios for Lifelong Learning in Europe

Building Scenarios I will Present a scenario of an e-Portfolio being developed within JISC’s Lifelong Learning Programme Discuss the functions of Scenarios Lead into a workshop exercise developed for JISC, but also being used by European Schoolnet Provide a starting point for you to develop and submit a scenario to the INSIGHT website

PRPG Supporting transitions to HE: - Scenario A e-Portfolio PRPG Personal Review, Planning and Guidance (Tomlinson recommendation 9) 1. I, the student, am introduced to Personal Review Age 14 Enters Curriculum Unit

PRPG Supporting transitions to HE: - Scenario A PRPG Applies Univ. Univ MIS Age 19 University tutorPDP e-Portfolio 2. At age 16, Personal Review helps me decide what & where to study at college 3. I decide to apply for University 4.I register, meet my tutor and continue “PDP”, a type of Personal Review Age 16 Moves to college Age 14 Enters Curriculum Unit

PRPG Implementing Lifelong Learning: - Scenario A PRPG Age 16 Moves to college PRPG Applies Univ. Univ MIS tutorPDP e-Portfolio for Lifelong Learning Nottingham City passport Nottingham University e-pars Age 14 Enters Curriculum Unit Age 19 University

Functions of Scenarios 1.Formative; e.g. developing a project; 2.Presentational; a vision of the future; 3.Technical; locating use cases; A.Stimulating further scenarios B.Capturing a range of diverse practice; C.Specifying a generic process… D.….as part of a reference model of e- Portfolio for Lifelong Learning within UK For a project: - For a “standard”: -

Defining e-Portfolio in Europe Submit a scenario of your actual or intended use of e-Portfolio to : - ontent.cfm?ov=33518&lang=en ontent.cfm?ov=33518&lang=en Complete the survey of your personal use of an e-Portfolio provided by EIfEL If you offer a software product, participate in an international review by contacting b- b- How can you contribute?