1.Rice Production Mechanization. Is aimed at enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of agricultural operations through timely operations, reduced labour costs, uniformity/quality of work, and minimal drudgery thereby making agriculture more profitable and attractive. Labor (seeding, weeding & harvesting) costs constitutute a significant proportion of rice production AIRS carried out research on mechanical transplanter and drum-seeder
1.1 Drum Seeder Already used in India. Implement facilitates direct sowing using pre-germinated seed. Uses less seed per acre(8kg) compared to transplanting(20-25kg) and less labor (2MD) compared to 10 MD in transplanting. Main challenges:- requires fairly level fields; requires early weed control
1.2 Mechanical rice transplanter Collaborative project with JKUAT ( design and fabrication) performance testing (AIRS). Main challenges: a)Dropping too many seedlings per hill (dropping seedlings horizontally) c) Equipment a bit too heavy d)Handle a bit too short Modifications on-going to improve the limitations
. 1.3 Motorized rice Sheller
CONT.. Designed and fabricated at AIRS. Uses a 15 hp petrol engine Seemed to work well but too much chaff/straw in the grain Requires modification to separate grain from the straw, probably by fitting a fan/blower and regulating engine speed to minimize straw breakage
2. Irrigation Water Management Trials Three trials were carried out during the year: Evaluation of performance of small scale greenhouse and drip irrigation technologies in western Kenya-----completed and separately presented by LUCIANA, PhD student, Pwani University Evaluation of system of rice intensification (SRI) under urea deep placement (UDP) in Ahero -data analysis is in progress. Evaluation of efficiency and productivity of different irrigation technologies(furrow, drip and sprinkler) in AIRS (data analysis in progress) and Perkerra (trial on-going).
3.Crop diversification and intensification activities The main objective is to maximize land and water use and productivity and thereby enhance not only farm incomes but also increase food production. Crop diversification also reduces pest and disease pressure and enhances soil fertility. Introduction and promotion of alternative crops in rice growing schemes: Through on-farm demos, farmers in Ahero, West Kano and Bunyala have been introduced and are adopting a second crop after the rice crop. The crops include maize, soya beans, watermelon andtomatoes
Con……. Introduction and promotion of alternative crops in Turkana and Perkerra. Initially, farmers in Turkana were only growing maize while those in Perkerra were mainly growing seed maize. However, through on-farm demos, farmers in Turkana are now growing other crops including green grams ,sorghum , watermelon with Nerica rice showing a lot of promise. In Perkerra, farmers are growing Nerica seed rice for Kenya Seed Company while cultivation of field beans is catching up.
4. Routine laboratory analysis of soils, irrigation water and plant tissue. Irrigation water analysis was carried out at Ahero and West Kano schemes from various sources and the results showed that the irrigation water in Ahero had moderate levels of salinity whilst the irrigation water in West Kano (including drainage water at the outlet pump station) had no traces of salinity. The water quality for Ahero was found to be satisfactory for irrigation purposes provided that moderate leaching of salts is done by application of organic manure or compost in the soil; the latter should also be permeable to provide adequate drainage since poor drainage causes salinity to build up in the soil. Therefore plants with moderate salt tolerance can be grown, e.g. vegetables, maize, potatoes. For West Kano it means that the drainage water which is currently pumped out back to lake Victoria could be recycled by pumping it back to the adjacent blocks and used for crop production. Results for soil and plant tissue analysis have not yet been released.
5.Collaborative research activities AIRS has had collaborative research activities with the following institutions during the year: KARI Kibos/IRRI on performance of rice varieties Moi University on rice blast resistance studies Pwani University on evaluation of performance of green house and drip irrigation technologies in western Kenya Syngenta-on efficacy of fungicides for control of fungal diseases, especially rice blast Bayer East Africa on testing performance of hybrid rice varieties KEPHIS on rice seed production. The Station has recently been registered to become a Seed Merchant . IFDC on on-farm trials for UDP fertilizers in WKS
6.Farmers training In order to enhance farmers skills in modern farming, farmers and stakeholders field days and farm visits were conducted throughout the year in Ahero, West Kano, Bunyala, Perkerra ,Katilu and Lokubae.