Roadmap for Real Time Control Transmission Reliability Program Peer Review Washington DC, 27 January 2004 Jeff Dagle, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Carlos Martinez, Electric Power Group Anjan Bose, Washington State University Pete Sauer, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign
Page 1 RTGRM Roadmap Status Activity builds from the real-time grid reliability and management (RTGRM) multiyear plan (2001) November 20, 2002 workshop in Portland, Oregon with participation from –CERTS performers, –ISOs, –Vendors Identified 12 major issues facing industry; recommendations for R&D agenda framed to be responsive within general RTGRM framework Draft report issued June 2003 Progress delayed by August 14 blackout Outstanding items: –Develop final roadmap incorporating comments received
Page 2 Roadmap Elements Operational Decision Support Tools and Visualization System Security Management Tools Advanced Measurement and Monitoring Tools Real Time Control
Page 3 Roadmap Conceptual Framework RTO/ISO FUNCTIONS REAL-TIME PERFORMANCE MONITORING TECHNOLOGIES Probabilistic Analysis & Risk Assessment Contingency Selection Performance Metrics Data & Information Management Visualization Technologies Grid-3P Platform MONITORING OPERATIONS MARKETS SECURITY REAL-TIME SOFWARE ANALYSIS S T A T E E S T I M A T O R SCADA and ADVANCE MEASUREMENTS G E N E A R T I O N & T R A N S M I S S I O N REAL-TIME LOCAL CONTROL WIDE-AREA AUTOMATIC CONTROL AUTOMATIC SWICHABLE NETWORK A B C D RTO/ISO FUNCTIONS REAL-TIME PERFORMANCE MONITORING TECHNOLOGIES Probabilistic Analysis & Risk Assessment Probabilistic Analysis & Risk Assessment Contingency Selection Contingency Selection Performance Metrics Performance Metrics Data & Information Management Data & Information Management Visualization Technologies Visualization Technologies Grid-3P Platform Grid-3P Platform MONITORING OPERATIONS MARKETS SECURITY REAL-TIME SOFWARE ANALYSIS S T A T E E S T I M A T O R SCADA and ADVANCE MEASUREMENTS G E N E R A T I O N & T R A N S M I S S I O N REAL-TIME LOCAL CONTROL WIDE-AREA AUTOMATIC CONTROL AUTOMATIC SWICHABLE NETWORK A B C D A.Operational Decision Support Tools and Visualization B.System Security Management Tools C.Advanced Measurement and Monitoring Tools D.Real Time Control
Page 4 Operational Decision Support Tools and Visualization State estimation technologies Probabilistic short- and long-term prediction and risk assessment Visualization including human factors Performance monitoring metrics
Page 5 System Security Management Tools Security analysis with uncertainty Avoidance of cascading outages Dynamic security analysis (DSA) High-speed available transfer capability (ATC) analysis
Page 6 Advanced Measurement and Monitoring Tools Accuracy of planning and operating models Quality of dynamic information technology Infrastructure for integration and management of multi- source data Supervisory coordination for protective relays
Page 7 Real Time Control Frequency and voltage control Coordinating control with markets Soft-wired remedial action schemes Transient stability control
Page 8 Research Activities Timeframe
Page 9 Path Forward Incorporate lessons learned and recommendations associated with the August 14, 2003 blackout Integrate with other elements of the transmission reliability program Develop plan for integrating with other R&D programs Circulate revised roadmap for review Incorporate review comments