1 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Quorum Distributed Objects Integration (QuOIN) Quorum PI Meeting Working Group Structure and Prepared Commentary.


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Presentation transcript:

1 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Quorum Distributed Objects Integration (QuOIN) Quorum PI Meeting Working Group Structure and Prepared Commentary Rick Schantz, moderator BBN Technologies Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Quorum PI Meeting Feb Atlanta, Georgia

2 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Purpose of Working Group Continue agenda begun at July ‘98 PI meeting, revising roadmaps and increasing participation Technically it is at the intersection of integrating components which will provide better managed, end-to-end QoS and adaptivity, based on a Distributed Object Computing paradigm Focus is visionary in the large and aggregate, but experimental and results/evaluation oriented in the short term –Sequence of more inclusive integrated object technology capability delivered for test & evaluation Need to: –Review progress against previous roadmap –Revise individual area roadmap with new experience, new information, new insight and or/new direction (focusing on 6-12 months out) –Lay out specific activities, integrations, investigations or experiments to meet these targets, and identify who will participate –Begin to address cross-over issues and opportunities

3 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Integration of Current Quorum Technology Projects Quality Objects (Quo) as a common framework for object level QoS integration Bandwidth Management: DIRM (BBN, Columbia, Smarts), REMOS (CMU) Dependability: AQuA (Illinois, BBN, Cornell), Totem/Realize (UCSB) Real Time Behavior: TAO (WUStL), Adaptive Resource Mgmt (UCI) Security: Sigma (TIS) Application Interface & Software Engineering: Flick (Utah)

4 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Proposed Agenda 8:00-8:15 Background and Agenda ReviewRick Schantz 8:15-8:30 QUITE Architecture Integration Dave Lounsbury 8:30-9:30 Subgroup Overviews –Real time behavior Doug Schmidt –Dependability Dave Bakken –Bandwidth management John Zinky –Security Franklin Webber – Software engineering tools Joe Loyall 9:30-10:00 & 10:30-11 Subgroup Roadmap update and brainstorm 11-11:30 Produce Subworking group output 11:30-12 Open Discussions: – Cross Property Integration & NT All 3:30 Report Back to Plenary

5 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Organization & Issues The QuOIN process –potential short term demonstrated capability (3-6 months) –longer term capability/new ideas directions (6-24 months) –test and evaluation delivery oriented –identification of missing pieces Review Progress on Roadmap from 7/98 Subgroup Brainstorm –Fundamental concepts/Building blocks/mechanisms/experiments toward the subarea –Implementation availability, which parts? How does it fit in? –Modes of Adaptability –Interrelationships –Issues in common context

6 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies QuOIN Roadmap July ‘98 (Overview)

7 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Roadmap July ‘98 (continued) May ‘99

8 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies September ‘98 Release

9 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Projected Spring ‘99 Release based on July ‘98 WG

10 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies July ‘98 Report: Subgroup Real Time DOC Behavior Goals/Metrics –hard upper bounds on timing –ratio of upper bound to mean –high performance (faster for finer granularity “fast enough”) Short term activities –Instrumentation of RT ORB behavior –Integration of TAO into QuO framework-- assess RT behavior for periodic tasks Midterm activities –Evaluate compatability of TMO with TAO; attempt integration & assessment Longer term activities –Loosen periodic nature of tasks –Improve on metrics

11 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies July ‘98 Report: Subgroup DOC Dependability Goals/Metrics –Bounded recovery time –State transfer performance –% performance hit of nondeterminism and concurrency Short term activities –assess inventory: Realize, Roafts, AQuA to plan baseline capability –wider spectrum of replication techniques & adaptation Technical Issues –Group communication performance over WANs –Incremental state transfer –handle non-determinism/concurrency Identification of Missing pieces –externalization service from ORBs –Common group communications API

12 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies July ‘98 Report: Subgroup Bandwidth Management Goals/Metrics –Betty per second response Control fairness Jitter; variance Short term activities –Choose better server with variable bottlenecks using QuO/Remos –Quosme integrated with Quo gateway to control bandwidth Longer term activities –Darwin gateway –Netex gateway

13 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies July ‘98 Report: Subgroup Security Aspects Goals/Metrics –Assurance NRL claims Tree –Develop a Quality of Protection measure Short term activities –QDL and DTEL++ integration into suite of “aspect languages” –Sigma interenclave access control ORB gateway integrated with QuO gateway Longer term activities –SVE- dynamic, adaptable policy insertion –QoS + security- Application level Technical Issues –Interoperability of security mechanisms –MLS ORB/Assurance; MLS workflow weaving –Architectural issue of Mandatory Security Features

14 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies July ‘98 Report: Software engineering/common tools subworking group collaboration activities DTEL++ in QDL QuO/Flick integration Examine Popart's suitability for use with Flick ASSERT/QuO integration Quasar's multimedia domain within QuO QDL modeling of TMO's realtime QoS needs Realize using QDL Test recursion/layering of QuO applications (needed for Quasar’s multifeedback domain) Definition of high-level architecture of QoS in applications DOI and QuO toolkit efforts BBN, TIS, and Utah University of Utah University of Oregon

15 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies NT Issues What’s so special about NT? Anticipated pitfalls? hybrid environments?

16 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Real Time Properties Subworking Group Group Leader: Doug Schmidt

17 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Managed Bandwidth Resources Subworking Group Group Leader: John Zinky

18 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies QuO Based Bandwidth Management Measures and Controls Network Resources ORB Proxy Commercial ORB contract Measured Performance Skeleton Contract Bandwidth Control Bandwidth Control User Expectation Commercial ORB Logical Method Call Expected Performance Rights Policies Measured Performance Application Manager Status Collection Network Management Rights Policies Server Host Skeleton Client Object Delegate Sensors QuO Gateway SNMP custom Corba CORBA ORB Proxy CORBA With Trace Record Functional Signal Client Host Network IIOP Glue IIOP Glue IIOP Resource Aware Transport Resource Aware Transport IIOP RSVP bandwidth reservation Darwin bandwidth reservation Host Status Sensor Host Status Sensor Functional Sensors Functional

19 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Dependability Properties Subworking Group Group Leader: Dave Bakken

20 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Agenda Review progress of last 6 months, and compare to old roadmap Review middleware standards developments, and assess impact Revise taxonomy for roadmap for future Populate roadmap taxonomy with anticipated results

21 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Subgroup DOC Dependability (Output slide from 7/98 Dependability Breakout Group) Goals/Metrics –Bounded recovery time –State transfer performance –% performance hit of nondeterminism and concurrency Short term activities –assess inventory: Realize, Roafts, AQuA to plan baseline capability –wider spectrum of replication techniques & adaptation Technical Issues –Group communication performance over WANs –Incremental state transfer –handle non-determinism/concurrency Identification of Missing pieces –externalization service from ORBs –Common group communications API

22 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Review middleware standards developments, and assess impact Ongoing Standardization Efforts: –Corba Fault Tolerance –Externalization –Pluggable Transport (RIP?) –Portable Interceptors –(Any others??) – Which will likely enable DoD to better buy off-the-shelf dependability support in a few years’ time? What are the holes which DARPA should direct more research effort to help?

23 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Populate roadmap taxonomy with anticipated results (Output #3 from this breakout group) Short-term anticipated results (1-6 months) – Medium term (6-18 months) goals and suggestions – Long-term goals and suggestions –

24 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Security Properties Subworking Group Group Leader: Franklin Webber

25 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Security Working Group Agenda theme: security in an adaptive environment agenda –offer status report on QuO/OO-DTE integration –discuss security issues for adaptable distributed object systems –write summary of discussion

26 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Security Issues for Adaptable Distributed Object Systems compatibility of security with adaptation –can security interfere with QuO mechanisms? –can QuO be used to circumvent security policy? adaptability of policy and mechanisms –when and how to change security policy? strengthening weakening –metrics

27 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Security Issues, cont’d implementation issues –should QuO specification and security policy languages be unified? –where should access control decisions be made? assurance issues –adaptation must preserve security invariants –what experiments test adaptive security?

28 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Compatibility of Security with Adaptation synchronization of distributed changes covert channels –storage –timing

29 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Adaptability of Security Policy and Mechanisms in reponse to attack: –strengthening of policy to help intrusion detection –weakening of policy to help availability

30 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Implementation Issues “firewall” vs. “interceptor” approach –assurance vs. flexibility –standard approach to adaptation for multiple properties –interoperability CORBA, CORBAsec standardization DCOM

31 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Assurance Issues authorization for policy changes synchronization of policy changes formalism for both security and adaptability automating analysis testing and experiments –threats and countermeasures –assumptions about environment

32 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Common Quorum Languages and Tools Subworking Group Group Leader: Joe Loyall

33 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies QoS Description Languages QDL, QuO's description language (BBN) DTEL++, access control security language (TIS) Quasar's multimedia fidelity description language (OGI) Acme (CMU) - software architecture description language DeSiDeRaTa (UT - Arlington) - path based timeliness and dependability XML Object Query Language

34 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies QoS Software Engineering Tools Flick, a flexible IDL compiler kit (Utah) QuO toolkit (BBN) TAO (WUStL) OO DTE tools (TIS) NRL SCR, ASSERT (NRL, UOregon) Popart (USC ISI) TMO toolkit (UC, Irvine and SoHar) Microfeedback toolkit (OGI) Rational Rose (Rational)

35 2/18/99Quorum PI ‘99 BBN Technologies Action items/Collaborations QuO/Flick integration DTEL++ in QDL Quasar's multimedia domain within QuO Examine Popart's suitability for use with Flick ASSERT/QuO integration QDL modeling of TMO's realtime QoS needs Realize using QDL Test recursion/layering of QuO applications (needed for Quasar’s multifeedback domain) Definition of high-level architecture of QoS in applications