LBWD’s Prototype-Scale Testing of NF Membranes for Seawater Desalination Robert C. Cheng, Tai J. Tseng, Kevin L. Wattier February 17, 2011 MSSC National Salinity Summit 1
Research Partners US Bureau of Reclamation CA Dept. of Water Resources LA Department of Water and Power Southern Nevada Water Authority Tampa Bay Water Authority UCLA University of New Hampshire Clemson University University of Illinois Montana State University University of Central Florida Virginia Tech University of Nevada, Reno University of Iowa AcademiaGovernment Industry DuPont Water Research Foundation (AwwaRF) Black & Veatch CH2M Hill MWH
Water resources…under stress Los Angeles Aqueduct: reduction California Aqueduct: “Southern California Loses Up to 30 Percent of Its Supplies from Delta Next Year and Possibly Longer” -Business Wire News Colorado River Aqueduct: ~50% reduction …more pressure to act locally to reduce dependence on imports City of Long Beach ~500,000 residents
Reliability, at lowest reasonable rates “New” Conjunctive Use Seawater Consumers Potable “Traditional” Groundwater Surface water Conservation 2007 Declaration 16+% decrease in use “100 by 100” Initiative Seawater barrier Irrigation Indirect recharge Reclaimed
LBWD’s Resource Mix Conservation 15% Reclaimed 9% Imports 32% Groundwater 44% Conservation 15% Reclaimed 12% Imports 30% Groundwater 33% Desal 10% 5
Shifts in water resources 47% 2007 (declaration of drought) 2010 (shortage allocation) 53% Imports (MWD) (MWD) Groundwater (LBWD) $478 - $574/af Groundwater 53% < $400/af $300/af 47% Imports $740 - $3,134/af
Desal lessen risks Full plant cost will be costly Other full-scale experiences point out value for research Substantial interest for accurate operational and cost information Federal – USBR (federal authorization) State – CA DWR (CA Prop 50 funding) Local – LA DWP (research site, power)
O&M- Electrical Power 44% Debt (Capital) 37% Membrane Replacement 5% Labor 4% Maintenance & Parts 7% Consumables 3% Federal Roadmap Estimate Power + Debt = 81% Non-energy O&M = 19%
Concept - “The Long Beach Method” Two Pass Nanofiltration Nanofiltration Energy Savings Lower pressure requirements, lower energy consumption Quality Protection Twice the protection of single-pass technology
NF membrane for seawater desal Proof-of-concept Initiated testing ~2001 verified through 2-yr AwwaRF project, “A Novel Approach to Seawater Desalination Using Dual-Staged Nanofiltration” Patent application US patent , granted 12/5/06 “Two stage nanofiltration desalination system” Prototype plant construction/operations
11 How to integrate seawater into system? Post treatment / Distribution Pretreatment NF 2 or RO A $20 M, 10-year investment A $20 M, 10-year investment Leverage various partnerships for technical input and other support Leverage various partnerships for technical input and other support Federal/State/Local Funds, 50% funding by Reclamation Federal/State/Local Funds, 50% funding by Reclamation Under Ocean Floor Intake and Discharge Prototype UV/ClO 2 Mitigation of WQ impacts due to integration of new source
Jul 07 -Jan 04 - Jul 04 - Jan 05 -Jul 05 -Jan 06 -Jul 06 -Jan 07 -Jan 08 - Construction Jan 09 -Jul 08 -Jan 10 -Jul 09 - Jul 10 - Design Desal Prototype Research ClO 2 and UV Under Ocean Floor Desal Site Alternative Study Site Restoration (2012) Post-treatment Design Research schedule Jan 11 -
South Train North Train MF Unit Prototype Plant Flow Diagram 13 Intake/ discharge Project site
Prototype Plant 300,000 gpd facility, 8-in vessels 14
Energy Recovery Operation PX Booster pump PX 15
Other Issues Technical Water quality met (boron, bromide, etc.) Blending issues with existing water Environmental Impingement/entrainment Discharge Public Trust Sound investment Transparency Permitting
Research Objectives Compare NF 2 against RO Water quality (TDS, boron, bromide), energy, reliability Optimize NF 2 process Energy recovery device Biofouling control method: UV vs. ClO 2 Vary configuration/membranes Analyze cost for full-scale plant 17
Research Approach Phase I- NF 2 vs. RO Short tests to determine trends General WQ and energy recovery monitoring May ’06 – Dec ‘07 Phase II-NF 2 vs. RO 2+ weeks of selected conditions from Phase I Detailed WQ analyses Jan ’08 – Dec ‘08 Phase III and IV-NF 2 optimization test 2+ weeks tests: NF 5 vs. 7, mixed membrane UV vs. ClO 2 Jan ’09 – Jan ‘10 18
NF 2 vs. RO Process MembranesPressure (psi)Recovery (%) NF 2 Pass 1 NF % NF 2 Pass 2 NE % RO Pass 1 SWC % RO Pass 2 NE % 19 MF Energy Recovery 1 st Pass NF (South Train) Cartridge Filter Combined Effluent Tanks Cartridge Filter Backwash water Influent Tank Energy Recovery 2 nd Pass NF (South Train) 2 nd Pass NF (North Train) 1 st Pass RO or NF (North Train)
Water Quality Goal Total dissolved solids (TDS) TDS <500 mg/L-secondary WQ standard Bromide - accelerate disinfectant decay Bromide < mg/L to maintain residual Boron - toxic to plants at high level California notification level = 1 mg/L No “backsliding” of water quality from new source 20
Selecting appropriate base addition location is critical Base Addition Strategy Base Injection Pt Option 1 Base Injection Pt Option 2 More base required to alter pH HIGH potential for fouling Alk = 122 mg/L Ca 2+ = 447 mg/L Alk = 10.4 mg/L Ca 2+ = 11.7 mg/L Less base required to alter pH 97% rejection of Ca 2+. Decreased potential for fouling Pass 1 Pass 2
NF 2 vs. RO, Boron 22 CaNL
Specific Energy Summary Permeate B <0.8 mg/L NF2SWRO (2 pass) Specific Energy (kWh/kgal) Maximum Minimum 50% value 75% value 25% value 50 th percentile specific savings = 20%
NF 2 vs. RO Two-pass RO required to meet all water quality objectives Boron < 1 mg/L Consistent with USBR DWPR Report 127 NF 2 required less specific energy than RO/NF NF 2 required 20% less energy (50 th percentile)
Mixing Membranes in NF 2 Pass 1 - two stage configuration Stage 1 holds 5 elements/vessel 25 ULP RO Improve flux and water quality by changing membrane types within a vessel
NF 2 Optimization Test 26 ConfigurationPressureFlux Prod. TDS kWh/1000 gal Last elem flow Last element pressure Ranking NF-NF-NF-NF-NF NF-NF-NF-NF-ULP ULP-NF-NF-NF-NF ULP-ULP-NF-NF-NF NF-NF-NF-ULP-ULP ULP-ULP-ULP-NF-NF NF-NF-ULP-ULP-ULP BW-NF-NF-NF-NF BW-BW-NF-NF-NF BW-BW-BW-NF-NF Source: Trussell, R.S., Sharma, R.R., Trussell, R.R Optimization modeling of nanofiltration membranes for seawater desalination: Scale-up from pilot to prototype scale. In AWWA Membrane Technology Conference (Memphis, TN).
NF 2 Optimization Test – Energy 27 No UV/ClO 2 UV ClO 2
NF 2 Optimization Summary No clear difference in energy consumption between 5 & 7 elements in series More ULP membranes in lead position reduced energy consumption 28
Cost Analysis Cost curves Based on historical information Cost models Use location-specific parameters NF 2 cost model Based on ADC cost model (funded by Reclamation) Modified by LBWD, used Prototype data 29
NF 2 Cost Model Scenarios Scenarios tested Highest overall system recovery Lowest specific energy (kWh/kgal) Highest flux (gfd) Different production rate 50 mgd 5 mgd 30
Variables analyzed VariableBaselineVariableEffect Project life30 yrs25 yrsCapital Interest rate5%4%, 6%Capital Membrane life6.5 yrs10 yrsNon-energy O&M Energy cost$0.12/kWh$0.15/kWhEnergy O&M
Cost Analysis Two pass RO NFNF 2 Scenario 1Scenario 2Scenario 1Scenario 2Scenario 3 Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 1 Pass 2 Pass 1 Pass 2 Flux (gfd) Recovery (%)42%82%35%75%46%75%45%78%44%80% Overall recovery (%)34%27%38%41%39% Energy (kWh/kgal) Optimization parameter Capital, energy Energy Capital 32
50 mgd vs. 5 mgd Energy O&M independent of size Capital and Non-Energy O&M Capacity dependent items Membrane replacements, solid disposal, maintenance, labor Chemical cost Capital reduction factors varied for 50 mgd vs 5 mgd 20% – process piping, solid disposal, etc. 32% - pumps, chemical systems, etc. 44% – yard piping, site work, etc. Capacity independent item Permitting - $10M (15% of overall capital cost for 5 mgd, 3% of overall capital cost for 50 mgd)
Cost Analysis 34
Inflation Produced water cost can more than double over project life Historical increase of 3% for goods ( Energy increased by 4% Inflation projection for energy from historical data Inflation projection for energy from historical data 35
Cost Analysis Project life = 30 years 50 mgd RO-NF ~ $3.6 B RO-NF ~ $3.6 B NF 2 ~ $3.2 B NF 2 ~ $3.2 B 5 mgd RO-NF ~ $0.58 B RO-NF ~ $0.58 B NF 2 ~ $0.57 B NF 2 ~ $0.57 B 36
Costs ADC model used Inputs modified to include research findings Size of facility has significant impacts Scaling down from 50 mgd to 5 mgd can increase cost up to 100% Sensitivity analysis Membrane life, power, interest rate, project life Most sensitive to interest rate and power Cost of desalinated water (2010) $1,350/AF for NF 2, $1,640/AF for RO/NF (50 mgd) $2,454/AF for NF 2, $2,496/AF for RO/NF (5 mgd)
Next steps ? Report for USBR in print
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