Analysis of IT Practices and Procedures WTC Consulting Engagement CAC Meeting, Nov. 19, 2013
GOALS An analysis of best practices as compared to the organization and delivery of IT services at peer institutions; A discussion with UA stakeholders regarding experiences with IT practices and procedures;
An analysis of current campus IT organization, delivery methods, staffing, and budgeting in the context of optimizing IT services with respect to quality, consistency, and efficiency. Specific recommendations of what UA should be doing—and how to get there. Specific guidance for the initiation of an IT strategic planning process that will engage UA stakeholders and lay out an IT roadmap for the institution.
Credit: WTC Response to RFP
Working Group The role of this group is to develop a working understanding of the scope and intent of the engagement and provide technical and financial details and other operational input throughout the assessment process. Steering Committee The role of this committee is to provide oversight and review and respond to issues that arise during the engagement and to facilitate communication with the campus community at appropriate times during the assessment process. Policy Group The role of this group is to provide leadership and direction on business objectives and institutional policy and priorities during the assessment process. Credit: WTC Response to RFP
WTC Timeline Credit: WTC Presentation to Evaluation Team
WTC will present our findings and develop a written final report on short-, medium-, and long-range implementation recommendations to achieve fundamental improvements in IT effectiveness and efficiency. These recommendations will address at least the following areas: Activities that provide no significant value-add to university priorities. IT organization, staffing, and budgeting. Service delivery processes. Credit: WTC Response to RFP
Functions currently performed by Tech Partners that should be consolidated into ITS. Functions in ITS that should be shifted to the Tech Partners. Areas where implementation of IT best practices could significantly enhance UA strategic initiatives and operations. Obstacles or challenges that could prevent goals from being achieved. The final report will also provide recommendations regarding the development of an IT strategic plan and roadmap.
WTC Public Research University Clients Florida State University University of Nebraska, Lincoln George Mason University Virginia Commonwealth University University of Arizona University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois at Chicago University of Oklahoma UNC-Chapel Hill University of Washington Northern Illinois University Credit: WTC Response to RFP Benchmarking