CSO Political Activities September 10, 2015
2 Charter Enrollment in Chicago 2% of CPS students 14% of CPS students
Customary C(3) Advocacy
4 Charters lead on college-readiness 2004Today ACT College Readiness Benchmark: 21 Charter Non-selective, district-run
5 …charter schools are closing the gap Charter Non-selective, district-run 42 schools with 90% or more African-American students
Why Add Political Work?
Illinois Bills BillOverviewSponsors 1 HB6005/ SB3030/ SB588 Creates vast and varied administrative burdens on charter schools and authorizers Senate: Jacqueline Collins (D) House: Rep. Chris Welch (D) * 2 SB2627/HB 3754 Eliminates the Illinois State Charter School Commission Senate: Kimberly Lightford (D) House: Rep. Chapa LaVia (D) 3 SB2779/HB 4237 Prohibits the Commission from hearing appeals on the merits of the charter application Senate: Linda Holmes (D) House: Rep. Sandra Pihos (R) * 4 HB4527 Mandates charter school compliance with state and federal SPED and ELL laws Senate: Kim Lightford (D) House: Rep. Chapa LaVia (D) 5 HB5328 Mandates Chicago charter schools be administered by a local school council House: Elizabeth Hernandez (D)
Illinois Bills BillOverviewSponsors 6 HB4655/S B3004 Applies sections of the School Code that pertain to student discipline policies to charter schools Senate: Kimberly Lightford (D) House: Will Davis (D) 7 HB 3937 Extends Moratorium on virtual charter schools Senate: Bertino-Tarrant * House: Rep. Chapa LaVia 8 SB 3303 Provides rigid restrictions on the opening of, and access to, charter school options Senate: Jacqueline Collins 9 HB3745 Requires all charter high schools to establish vocational academies House: LaShawn Ford (D) 10 HB 5887 Creates restrictions on virtual school options for students House: Rep. Chapa LaVia * *Denotes new sponsor
Building a Political Organization
11 Expanded our Toolkit Help pass supportive public school legislation (501c4) Support directly elected officials that will champion charter public schools (PAC) Promote charter public schools and ensure the laws work for all students (501c3) Support or oppose political candidates through communications strategies (IC)
Roadmap to Pro-Charter Majorities in Springfield November 2016 Illinois General Election HOUSE Need 60 to pass bill SENATE Need 30 to pass bill today +6 Representatives+10 Representatives +4 Senators +5 Senators November 2014 Illinois General Election Senators +3 Representatives January 2014 INCS Action/INCS Action PAC launch March 2016 Illinois Primaries
2014 and 2015 Political Activities
14 Lobbying Activities Charter school supporters line up to speak with Representative Linda Chapa LaVia (D-Aurora).
15 State Work: INCS Action had a tremendous impact in the 2014 General Election.
16 State Work: INCS Action Impact 2014 Race INCS Action targeted Kate Cloonen, a Democratic incumbent with a terrible voting record running in a lean district Opposition research discovered that Rep. Cloonen took a senior citizen tax exemption each of the previous 10 years. She is 52. Four target mail pieces to each of 18,000 registered voters in the weeks before election. 3 contrast pieces; 1 positive piece. Communication from leadership Result: Cloonen defeated challenger by 112 votes out of 32,000. Coda: Education Committee
17 City Work: INCS Action Impact in the 37 th Ward Alderman Emma Mitts faced a run-off against CTU-backed candidate Tara Stamps Two separate mailings reached 6,500 registered voters between March 23 and April 1. Two rounds of persuasion calls reached 4,813 registered voters. GOTV calls the day before election. Result: Emma Mitts defeated Tara Stamps by 536 votes out of 9,886 cast on April 7. In the 37 th Ward, Rahm Emanuel defeated Chuy Garcia with 59% of the vote up from 41% support in the primary.
18 10 Lessons For CSOs Launching Political Arms 1.Ensure a strong CSO foundation first 2.One doesn’t need to match unions dollar for dollar to be effective 3.CSOs have a membership base: use it 4.Affecting electoral outcomes creates more leverage than donations 5.Go deep, not wide 6.Be selective (and rational) when going after incumbents 7.Be intentionally bipartisan (if possible) 8.Supporting champions is as important as sending messages 9.Compliance and reporting matters: watch for minefields 10.Build a foundation for the long haul
19 Gandhi’s Four Stages of Revolution “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you Then you win.”
CSO Political Activities September 10, 2015