ANASAC Meeting Title North American ALMA Development Program Review Michael Shannon, Program Manager 17 September 2013
NA ALMA Development Program ANASAC Meeting; Charlottesville, Virginia; 17 September 2013 M. Shannon FY2013 Overview All seven (7) FY2013 Studies on track to complete by end of fiscal year Three (3) Projects ongoing FY2014 Call for Study Proposals released 01 May -nine (9) Study Proposals received 12 July -Proposals in review; notification date 04 November FY2014/15 Call for Project Proposals released 03 June -eight (8) Project Proposals received16 August -Proposals in review; provisional notification date04 October -ALMA Board review and authorization16 November Transition of ALMA Development Projects to JAO Operations -whitepaper prepared and released -implementation gaps identified; corrective actions in work FY2014/15 Study/Project in review. Page 2 of 10
NA ALMA Development Program ANASAC Meeting; Charlottesville, Virginia; 17 September 2013 M. Shannon FY2013 Studies status Need to follow up with PI’s to get Final Reports submitted. Project Lead Institution NRAO Status 2 nd Generation Receiver for Band 6 Design Study for Band 2 Cartridges mm/submm VLBI with ALMA Quantum Limited Amplifiers Visualization Portal for ALMA Data Unleashing Large Dataset Science Band 1 Receiver Development NRAO ASIAA U. Maryland U. British Columbia CalTech Page 3 of 10 Study complete. Study tasks are complete. Final report is due. OMT machining complete. Performance measurements in September. Conversion loss of mixers too high. Test of IF Hybrid in September.
NA ALMA Development Program ANASAC Meeting; Charlottesville, Virginia; 17 September 2013 M. Shannon Ongoing Projects status Fiber Optic Connectivity held up by permits. Project Band 5 Local Oscillator Production Fiber Optic Connectivity ALMA Phasing Project Lead Institution NRAO JAO MIT, Haystack Status Page 4 of 10 The CDMR is scheduled for 25 Sept in C-ville. A recovery schedule for LO production has been prepared; all 75 LOs will be delivered by Q3 CY2014. Silica Networks (contractor) is still awaiting the required construction permits from the Chilean public authorities. Closure of all NRAO-assigned CDR Item Discrepancies is on track. Implementation planning (integration plan and verification matrix) in work. Fast Corrections Subsystem software integration & test in work.
NA ALMA Development Program ANASAC Meeting; Charlottesville, Virginia; 17 September 2013 M. Shannon FY2014 Study candidates 9 studies submitted by 5 organizations. Total cost of all submissions $1,140, % oversubscribed. 52% ($594,484) of requested funds from NRAO. 48% ($545,712) of requested funds from external organizations. 52% ($594,484) of requested funds for NRAO; 48% ($545,712) external. Page 5 of 10
NA ALMA Development Program ANASAC Meeting; Charlottesville, Virginia; 17 September 2013 M. ShannonPage 6 of 10 Target Date for Notifications 04 November NA ALMA Study Awards NA ALMA Program Director Dev. Study Review Panel (External) NA ALMA Program Manager NA Call for Proposals ASAC Technology Roadmap Integrated NA ALMA Studies Plan Development Process - Studies FY2014 proposal review status: Complete In work NSF Concurrence
NA ALMA Development Program ANASAC Meeting; Charlottesville, Virginia; 17 September 2013 M. Shannon FY2014/15 Project candidates 53% ($3,970,025) of requested funds for NRAO; 47% ($3,500,744) external. Page 7 of 10 8 projects submitted by 5 organizations. Total cost of all submissions $7,470, % oversubscribed. 53% ($3,970,025) of requested funds from NRAO. 47% ($3,500,744) of requested funds from external organizations.
NA ALMA Development Program ANASAC Meeting; Charlottesville, Virginia; 17 September 2013 M. Shannon Coordinating input from the ALMA scientific community. Page 8 of 10 Development Process - Projects FY2014 proposal review status: ANASAC EASAC ESAC ASAC ALMA Director ALMA Board EA Call for Proposals EU Call for Proposals ALMA Development Coordination Workshops Integrated Project Plan ADSC Directors Council ALMA Development Program Managers NA Activities NRAO EA Activities NAOJ EU Activities ESO Upgrade Work Package ADSC OversightADSC Coordination NA Call for Proposals EA Development Project Plans EU Development Project Plans NA Development Project Plans Technical Evaluation IETACT Complete In work
NA ALMA Development Program ANASAC Meeting; Charlottesville, Virginia; 17 September 2013 M. Shannon Study to Project progression Six of seven (86%) of FY13 Studies progressed to Project proposal stage. Page 9 of 10 FY13 Study Design Study for Band 2 Cartridges mm/submm VLBI with ALMA Ultra-wideband Quantum Limited Amplifiers A Visualization Portal for ALMA Data Unleashing Large Dataset Science Lead Institution ALMA Band 1 Receiver Development Study NRAO U. British Columbia U. Maryland ASIAA Follow-on FY14/15 Project Proposal CalTech Yes
NA ALMA Development Program ANASAC Meeting; Charlottesville, Virginia; 17 September 2013 M. Shannon Maximum FY2014 commitments = $1.00M Studies + $4.3M Projects = $5.3M. Funding Capacity 0.53 Unallocated Budget ($M) Fiscal Year FY2013 FY2014 FY Total budget available Committed budget: Administration Committed budget: Studies Committed budget: Projects Committed budget - ALMA site fuel cost The FY13 and FY14 Calls for Study and Project proposals are combined (consolidated) in order to synchronize budget and performance periods. Total5.38 Page 10 of $4.28M available$4.29M available $5.02M available US Fiscal Year (October to September) $3.75M committed $3.48M committed $1.98M committed US Dollars ($M)
NA ALMA Development Program ANASAC Meeting; Charlottesville, Virginia; 17 September 2013 M. Shannon Portfolio overview - Studies Abiding by a balanced Study portfolio strategy. B1 StudyPI 2 nd Generation Receiver for Band 6 Design Study for Band 2 Cartridges mm/submm VLBI with ALMA Increase the ALMA Data Rate Ultra-wideband Quantum Limited Amplifiers A Visualization Portal for ALMA Data Unleashing Large Dataset Science Lead Institution Collaborating Institution(s) Funding ($US) ALMA Band 1 Receiver Development Study A. Kerr E. Bryerton J. Kern B. Glendenning D. Woody E. Rosolowsky L. Mundy P. Ho NRAO CalTech U. British Columbia U. Maryland ASIAA U. Virginia U. Arizona MIT, Haystack U. Calgary, Harvard U. U. Illinois, NRAO HIA, NRAO, U Chile TOTAL ($US) 84,045 98, ,498 73,438 34, , ,42038% of total Studies funding allocated to NRAO 62% of total Studies funding allocated to collaborating institutions
NA ALMA Development Program ANASAC Meeting; Charlottesville, Virginia; 17 September 2013 M. Shannon Portfolio overview - Projects Abiding by a balanced Project portfolio strategy. B2 ProjectsPI Band 5 Local Oscillator Production Fiber Optic Connectivity (pending) ALMA Phasing Project (proposed; ALMA Development funds only) Lead Institution Collaborating Institution(s) Funding ($US) E. Bryerton S. Doeleman NRAO JAO NRAO, MPlfR, NAOJ, ASIAA, U. Concepcion, Onsala MIT, Haystack TOTAL ($US) 3,328,718 1,849,001 * 516,800 J. Ibsen 6,369,519 Total Phase 1 Program expenditures (through FY 2015) = $6,851,939 UVA Microfabrication Laboratory (proposed) A. LichtenbergerNRAOUniversity of Virginia675,000 * An additional $3.5M will be provided by NSF/MRI Contractor 52% of total Project funding allocated to NRAO 48% of total Project funding allocated to collaborating institutions