Introduction to History
Periodization division of a subject into historical eras for purposes of analysis Technological Division Paleolithic (2.5 mya) Neolithic (10,000 B.C.) Agricultural civ. (4,000 B.C.) Industrial civ. (1750 A.D.) Cultural Division Antiquity (4,000 B.C.-476 A.D.) Middle Ages (476-1300) Modernity (1300-present) Fall of Roman Empire 476 A.D. Renaissance 1300 A.D. ANTIQUITY (Ancient Greece & Rome) MIDDLE AGES MODERNITY 4,000 B.C. 1st civilization
(Before the Common Era) (Anno Domini – “In the year of Our Lord”) Historical Dating 200 100 B.C. (Before Christ) -OR- B.C.E. (Before the Common Era) A.D. (Anno Domini – “In the year of Our Lord”) C.E. (Common Era) Christian Secular
Historical Dating 2nd c. B.C. = 199-100 B.C. 2nd c. A.D. = 100-199 A.D. 1900s = 20th century
Primary vs. Secondary Sources primary source: original materials from the time period; without interpretation Ex. diary, interview, letter, birth certificate, speech, art, photo, literature secondary source: accounts written after the fact with the benefit of hindsight; interpretations of primary sources Ex. biography, journal article, book on a history topic
Types of History (S.P.R.I.T.E.) Social Political Religious Intellectual Technological Economic