Middle School Math Mrs. Osthus Room #118
Step #1 Print your name vertically. Use your full name, including middle name, as it appears on your birth certificate.
Step 2 Use the chart to enter the value of each letter of your name on the right side of the table. Letter Values Value Letters ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZ Letters of NameValue
Step #3. Find the sum of the values of the letters in your name. If the sum of the letters of your name total more than one digit, like 17, add those digits until you get a single digit number (1 + 7 = 8) This is your personality portrait number!
1” sturdy binder filled with lined paper. Scissors 12” ruler Protractor Compass Scientific calculator with fractions Glue stick Fine-lined Sharpie marker Colored pencils If supplies are lost or broken, you are responsible for replacing them immediately!
Bring all supplies to class Do your best work Be courteous to classmates & teachers Use class work-time wisely. Complete all assignments when due. Show work when instructed Have a positive attitude Don’t give up!