Conner Elliott My Family My Culture My Life
Conner Curtis Elliott October 24, 2000
Me and My Gang Christmas 2011 My mom, Bevin Hawkins My stepdad, Sean Hawkins My sister, Olivia My sister, Kayla My brother, Pepper
My Mom Bevin Pilgreen Hawkins Born March 1978 Graduated from high school in Graduated college She has been a nurse for 12 years. She is a Baptist and values her time with her family.
My Dad Douglas Elliott Born June 1965 Graduated high school 1984 He works at Red River Army Depot. He loves to fish and camp.
My “Gran” Sarah Elliott Born June 1942 Graduated high school 1960 She is retired and volunteers and St. Michael She loves to read and do crossword puzzels
My great grandmother Willma Livingston (the one in the red shirt) Not sure when she was born Died in 2003 She was a house wife and did not graduate. She loved to read and sew.
My great grandfather Floyd Livingston He was born in Out of 4 kids, he was the only one to graduate. He was a share cropper. He grew his own garden and canned veggies. He later died in 2001.
My “Nannie” Charlotte Rogers Born in Graduated high school 1976 She has been the Operations Supervisor for Yellow Freight in Texarkana for the last 20 years She raised 2 kids, my mom Bevin and my uncle Brent.
My great grandfather Timothy Curtis Pilgreen He was born in Graduated high school He went to work at 18 years old and eventually retied form there. He passed away in He loved to spend time with his family.
My great grandpartents Sydna Ann DodsonWill H. Dodson
My great grandparents Sydna and Will Dodson Sydna goes by her middle name “Ann”. She was born in She graduated high school and worked on a farm while growing up. Her daddy had a café and she worked there too. She eventually married and had 3 kids. One of them was my Nannie Charlotte. She worked for Lone Star Army Ammunition Plant until she retired. She loves to cook and fish. Will was born around He was never sure because he was an orphan and did not have a birth certificate. He left the orphanage at 17 years old to join the Army and fight in WWII. Later in life, he worked at Lone Star and retired form there. He loved to fish and play at the horse races and spend time with the family.
My mom’s first birthday
Me and My Sister
My first birthday Me and My Mamaw Ann
My mom and sister Olivia
Monster Trucks
Me and my brother Pepper at Cowboys Stadium
Me, my mom, Kayla, Olivia, and Pepper