Agenda February 5, 2015 Prayer/Welcome Introductions Project FIT Time line review YMCA (Diabetes Prevention Program) ADA (Project Power) KC CARE (Linkage to Care) REDCap and Project FIT Data Management Resource Sharing Taking It to the Pews (TIPS) Grant Review Project Timeline Recruitment Data Safety Monitoring Committee Sustainability Subcommittee: Next Steps Shout Outs
Share your name and Name of your organization
2015 Meeting Dates Meeting Time: Noon – 2pm April 2 nd June 4 th August 6 th September 3 rd November 5 th
Project FIT: Grant Timeline & Activity Review Year 1 (2013) CAB Capacity survey CAB develops needs assessment survey to determine health issue Administers needs assessment survey to 10 churches and 10 community/academic organizations Reviews findings at a church/community forum CAB develops pilot church- based health intervention - Health education - Health Screening - Linkage to care Year 2 (2014) Faith/community organizations review final intervention CAB refines the pilot church-based health intervention Administers baseline surveys with pilot intervention and comparison churches Implements pilot church-based health intervention to test program impact with 6 churches begins - 3 intervention and - 3 comparison churches Year 3 (2015)
YMCA: Diabetes Prevention Program Black or African American Beginning Attendance Average Attendance Weight Loss Highest Weight Loss Church %4.00% Church %5.10% Church %6.60% Highlights: All active participants received their 6 month membership to the YMCA, effective 1/1/15 with 100% of participants took advantage of the household membership. 30% of participants are on or ahead of track to losing program goal weight of 7% body weight. All classes took a break from 12/17/15, until 1/7/15. Completed 16 sessions Challenges: Participants not exercising consistently Sessions are rushed due to other church activities Low participation in daily food tracking
ADA: Project Power Completed 4 sessions Average attendance of 12 participants ◦The majority of participants are living with Diabetes Highlights Participants are highly engaged Received inquiry for nutrition counseling Challenges Sessions are being rushed due to other church activities
KC CARE: Linkage to Care KC CARE Community Health Worker services provided: 9 enrolled 61 given episodic referrals 71 declines 3 episodic referrals initiated contact for linkage referrals
How does REDCap make a difference? REDCap featureREDCap is... Web-based E ASY TO ACCESS Unlimited data fields in form creation E XTENSIBLE Audit trail, PHI flagging, & more HIPAA-compliant features S ECURE Data is stored on UMKC Storage Area Network I N OUR HANDS Support from both UMKC and REDCap Consortium C OMMUNITY - DRIVEN Data export to Excel, SPSS, SAS, STATA, and R F LEXIBLE Multiple users for one project with customizable access rights C OLLABORATIVE New features and functionalities released consistently C ONTEMPORARY Used by researchers in many disciplines: medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, social sciences, economics, and more V ERSATILE
REDCap Partners REDCap-supported institutions in Kansas City: ◦University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) ◦Multidisciplinary: social sciences, clinical research, and more ◦Also supports Truman Medical Center ◦Children’s Mercy Hospital ◦St. Luke’s Hospital ◦University of Kansas Medical Center
REDCap and Data Management Project FIT Data Components 1.Survey 2.Linkage to Care 3.Church Health Liaison Data Tracking Benefits: ◦Web-based ◦Data in one place ◦Ease of entering data ◦Can export to various programs ◦Can link forms using secret code
Project FIT Survey Hard CopyREDCap
Resource Sharing/Co-Learning HIV Linkage to Care Services
Taking It to the Pews R01: National Institute of Mental Health Assessing HIV Testing in African American Churches: A Randomized Clinical Trial $3.2M over 5 years Using a CBPR approach 14 churches in KC metro area 7 Intervention and 7 Comparison churches 1,540 participants TIPS delivered by trained church liaisons HIV testing provided during church services
HIV Testing & Sexual Risk Behaviors ? Survey ItemsIntervention Church Intervention CommIntervention OverallComparison Church Comparison CommComparison Overall p Ever tested for HIV? Yes No 70.5% (129) 28.4% (52) 75.0% (39) 23.1% (12) 71.5% (168) 27.2% (64) 74.7% (174) 25.3% (59) 86.5% (64) 9.5% (7) 78.5% (238) 21.5% (66).116 Number of sex partners Last 6 months Lifetime 1.38 (1.26) 9.88 (17.67) 1.65 (1.50) (34.32) 1.44 (1.32) (22.48) 1.22 (0.91) (12.86) 1.70 (1.37) (39.56) 1.34 (1.07) 14.49(23.83) Condom use Last 6 months Always (100%) Usually (50-99%) Sometimes (1-49%) Never (0%) Lifetime Always (100%) Usually (50-99%) Sometimes (1-49%) Never (0%) 7.7% (14) 11.5% (21) 7.1% (13) 37.7% (69) 8.2% (15) 27.3% (50) 29.5% (54) 19.7% (36) 30.8% (16) 7.7% (4) 13.5% (7) 25.0% (13) 19.2% (10) 12.8% (30) 10.6% (25) 8.5% (20) 32.3% (76) 11.9% (28) 26.8% (63) 27.2% (64) 19.6% (46) 6.9% (16) 9.0% (21) 10.3% (24) 46.8% (109) 7.7% (18) 30.5% (71) 33.9% (79) 17.2% (40) 14.9% (11) 9.5% (7) 25.7% (19) 33.8% (25) 13.5% (10) 21.6% (16) 36.5% (27) 20.3% (15) 8.8%(27) 9.1% (28) 14.0%(43) 43.6% (134) 9.1% (28) 28.3% (87) 34.5% (106) 17.9% (55) Moore et al. (in preparation)
TIPS II Outcome Findings TIPS Evaluation: 4 Churches: > 200 members, a minimum of 50 community outreach participants 543 participants surveyed at baseline 25% community members Health Beliefs and Behaviors survey: Baseline, 6 months, 12 months Receipt of HIV Testing Primary Findings (12 months): Participants in TIPS intervention churches were 2X as likely to get tested as those in comparison churches in last 6 months 47% vs 29%; p =.007 Overall receipt of HIV Testing at TIPS Churches
TIPS 2015 – 2017 Timeline Wait list / No Activities Wait list / No Activities Focus Groups Screening Time 1 Screening Time 2 Alt Screening 2 Screening Time 3 Screening Time 4 Screening Time 5Screening Time 6 Alt Screening 5
Church Eligibility Criteria > 200 adult African American church members who regularly attend church more than once a month Minimum of 50 active adult community outreach participants that use church outreach services > 4 times per year (e.g., daycare services, food programs) Or, two small partnering churches that meet the criteria above Willing to be involved as intervention church or comparison church Pastor willing to assist in study delivery activities dedicated church health liaisons (CHL) per church to implement all TIPS activities including 3-4 HIV screening events ► Pastor and CHL’s committed to attend trainings and booster meetings
Participant Eligibility Criteria ► Age: 18 to 64 ► Self-identified as African American ► Willing to participate in 3-4 surveys during/after church services ► Willing to provide contact information for self (i.e., two phone numbers, mailing/ address) and for two additional persons with whom they have ongoing contact ► Regularly attend church (> once a month), or ► Utilize church outreach services (e.g., daycare services, food programs) > 4 times/year Willing to complete 3-4 surveys
Participant Eligibility Criteria ► Age: 18 to 64 ► Self-identified as African American ► Willing to participate in 3-4 surveys during/after church services ► Willing to provide contact information for self (i.e., two phone numbers, mailing/ address) and for two additional persons with whom they have ongoing contact ► Regularly attend church (> once a month), or ► Utilize church outreach services (e.g., daycare services, food programs) > 4 times/year Willing to complete 3-4 surveys
Data Safety Monitoring Sub- committee A Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) is an independent group of experts that advises the study investigators. The DSMB will provide supplemental oversight by reviewing: o Data quality and timeliness o Adherence to the study protocol o Participant recruitment and consenting procedures o Accrual and retention numbers o All adverse and other events and outcomes Through these reviews, the DSMB will determine if there is a need to: o Change the research design modify information presented to participants, or terminate the project.
Sustainability Sub-committee Committee Goal Sustaining Project FIT following the pilot phase RO1 submission Timeline Translating pilot into a sustainable faith-based program/health ministry Identifying local funding for faith-based program/health ministry
CAB Activity Breakout into 3 groups choosing 1 of the following groups: 1. TIPS Tool Development Text Voice messages s 2. Sustainability Sub-committee How to sustain Project FIT following the pilot phase 3. Data Safety and Monitoring Sub-committee A group that advises the study investigators by providing oversight for data monitoring
Next CAB Meeting: April 2, 2015 Noon – 2 pm Calvary Temple Baptist Church