Agenda February 5, 2015  Prayer/Welcome  Introductions  Project FIT Time line review YMCA (Diabetes Prevention Program) ADA (Project Power) KC CARE.


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda February 5, 2015  Prayer/Welcome  Introductions  Project FIT Time line review YMCA (Diabetes Prevention Program) ADA (Project Power) KC CARE (Linkage to Care)  REDCap and Project FIT Data Management  Resource Sharing  Taking It to the Pews (TIPS) Grant Review Project Timeline Recruitment  Data Safety Monitoring Committee  Sustainability Subcommittee: Next Steps  Shout Outs

Share your name and Name of your organization

2015 Meeting Dates Meeting Time: Noon – 2pm  April 2 nd  June 4 th  August 6 th  September 3 rd  November 5 th

Project FIT: Grant Timeline & Activity Review Year 1 (2013) CAB Capacity survey CAB develops needs assessment survey to determine health issue Administers needs assessment survey to 10 churches and 10 community/academic organizations Reviews findings at a church/community forum CAB develops pilot church- based health intervention - Health education - Health Screening - Linkage to care Year 2 (2014) Faith/community organizations review final intervention CAB refines the pilot church-based health intervention Administers baseline surveys with pilot intervention and comparison churches Implements pilot church-based health intervention to test program impact with 6 churches begins - 3 intervention and - 3 comparison churches Year 3 (2015)

YMCA: Diabetes Prevention Program Black or African American Beginning Attendance Average Attendance Weight Loss Highest Weight Loss Church %4.00% Church %5.10% Church %6.60% Highlights: All active participants received their 6 month membership to the YMCA, effective 1/1/15 with 100% of participants took advantage of the household membership. 30% of participants are on or ahead of track to losing program goal weight of 7% body weight. All classes took a break from 12/17/15, until 1/7/15. Completed 16 sessions Challenges: Participants not exercising consistently Sessions are rushed due to other church activities Low participation in daily food tracking

ADA: Project Power  Completed 4 sessions  Average attendance of 12 participants ◦The majority of participants are living with Diabetes Highlights Participants are highly engaged Received inquiry for nutrition counseling Challenges Sessions are being rushed due to other church activities

KC CARE: Linkage to Care KC CARE Community Health Worker services provided: 9 enrolled 61 given episodic referrals 71 declines 3 episodic referrals initiated contact for linkage referrals


How does REDCap make a difference? REDCap featureREDCap is... Web-based E ASY TO ACCESS Unlimited data fields in form creation E XTENSIBLE Audit trail, PHI flagging, & more HIPAA-compliant features S ECURE Data is stored on UMKC Storage Area Network I N OUR HANDS Support from both UMKC and REDCap Consortium C OMMUNITY - DRIVEN Data export to Excel, SPSS, SAS, STATA, and R F LEXIBLE Multiple users for one project with customizable access rights C OLLABORATIVE New features and functionalities released consistently C ONTEMPORARY Used by researchers in many disciplines: medicine, nursing, dentistry, pharmacy, social sciences, economics, and more V ERSATILE

REDCap Partners REDCap-supported institutions in Kansas City: ◦University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC) ◦Multidisciplinary: social sciences, clinical research, and more ◦Also supports Truman Medical Center ◦Children’s Mercy Hospital ◦St. Luke’s Hospital ◦University of Kansas Medical Center

REDCap and Data Management  Project FIT Data Components 1.Survey 2.Linkage to Care 3.Church Health Liaison Data Tracking  Benefits: ◦Web-based ◦Data in one place ◦Ease of entering data ◦Can export to various programs ◦Can link forms using secret code

Project FIT Survey Hard CopyREDCap

Resource Sharing/Co-Learning HIV Linkage to Care Services

Taking It to the Pews R01: National Institute of Mental Health  Assessing HIV Testing in African American Churches: A Randomized Clinical Trial  $3.2M over 5 years  Using a CBPR approach  14 churches in KC metro area  7 Intervention and 7 Comparison churches  1,540 participants  TIPS delivered by trained church liaisons  HIV testing provided during church services

HIV Testing & Sexual Risk Behaviors ? Survey ItemsIntervention Church Intervention CommIntervention OverallComparison Church Comparison CommComparison Overall p Ever tested for HIV? Yes No 70.5% (129) 28.4% (52) 75.0% (39) 23.1% (12) 71.5% (168) 27.2% (64) 74.7% (174) 25.3% (59) 86.5% (64) 9.5% (7) 78.5% (238) 21.5% (66).116 Number of sex partners Last 6 months Lifetime 1.38 (1.26) 9.88 (17.67) 1.65 (1.50) (34.32) 1.44 (1.32) (22.48) 1.22 (0.91) (12.86) 1.70 (1.37) (39.56) 1.34 (1.07) 14.49(23.83) Condom use Last 6 months Always (100%) Usually (50-99%) Sometimes (1-49%) Never (0%) Lifetime Always (100%) Usually (50-99%) Sometimes (1-49%) Never (0%) 7.7% (14) 11.5% (21) 7.1% (13) 37.7% (69) 8.2% (15) 27.3% (50) 29.5% (54) 19.7% (36) 30.8% (16) 7.7% (4) 13.5% (7) 25.0% (13) 19.2% (10) 12.8% (30) 10.6% (25) 8.5% (20) 32.3% (76) 11.9% (28) 26.8% (63) 27.2% (64) 19.6% (46) 6.9% (16) 9.0% (21) 10.3% (24) 46.8% (109) 7.7% (18) 30.5% (71) 33.9% (79) 17.2% (40) 14.9% (11) 9.5% (7) 25.7% (19) 33.8% (25) 13.5% (10) 21.6% (16) 36.5% (27) 20.3% (15) 8.8%(27) 9.1% (28) 14.0%(43) 43.6% (134) 9.1% (28) 28.3% (87) 34.5% (106) 17.9% (55) Moore et al. (in preparation)

TIPS II Outcome Findings TIPS Evaluation: 4 Churches: > 200 members, a minimum of 50 community outreach participants 543 participants surveyed at baseline 25% community members Health Beliefs and Behaviors survey: Baseline, 6 months, 12 months Receipt of HIV Testing Primary Findings (12 months): Participants in TIPS intervention churches were 2X as likely to get tested as those in comparison churches in last 6 months 47% vs 29%; p =.007 Overall receipt of HIV Testing at TIPS Churches

TIPS 2015 – 2017 Timeline Wait list / No Activities Wait list / No Activities Focus Groups Screening Time 1 Screening Time 2 Alt Screening 2 Screening Time 3 Screening Time 4 Screening Time 5Screening Time 6 Alt Screening 5

Church Eligibility Criteria  > 200 adult African American church members who regularly attend church more than once a month  Minimum of 50 active adult community outreach participants that use church outreach services > 4 times per year (e.g., daycare services, food programs)  Or, two small partnering churches that meet the criteria above  Willing to be involved as intervention church or comparison church  Pastor willing to assist in study delivery activities  dedicated church health liaisons (CHL) per church to implement all TIPS activities including 3-4 HIV screening events ► Pastor and CHL’s committed to attend trainings and booster meetings

Participant Eligibility Criteria ► Age: 18 to 64 ► Self-identified as African American ► Willing to participate in 3-4 surveys during/after church services ► Willing to provide contact information for self (i.e., two phone numbers, mailing/ address) and for two additional persons with whom they have ongoing contact ► Regularly attend church (> once a month), or ► Utilize church outreach services (e.g., daycare services, food programs) > 4 times/year Willing to complete 3-4 surveys

Participant Eligibility Criteria ► Age: 18 to 64 ► Self-identified as African American ► Willing to participate in 3-4 surveys during/after church services ► Willing to provide contact information for self (i.e., two phone numbers, mailing/ address) and for two additional persons with whom they have ongoing contact ► Regularly attend church (> once a month), or ► Utilize church outreach services (e.g., daycare services, food programs) > 4 times/year Willing to complete 3-4 surveys

Data Safety Monitoring Sub- committee A Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) is an independent group of experts that advises the study investigators. The DSMB will provide supplemental oversight by reviewing: o Data quality and timeliness o Adherence to the study protocol o Participant recruitment and consenting procedures o Accrual and retention numbers o All adverse and other events and outcomes Through these reviews, the DSMB will determine if there is a need to: o Change the research design modify information presented to participants, or terminate the project.

Sustainability Sub-committee  Committee Goal  Sustaining Project FIT following the pilot phase  RO1 submission  Timeline  Translating pilot into a sustainable faith-based program/health ministry  Identifying local funding for faith-based program/health ministry

CAB Activity Breakout into 3 groups choosing 1 of the following groups: 1. TIPS Tool Development Text Voice messages s 2. Sustainability Sub-committee How to sustain Project FIT following the pilot phase 3. Data Safety and Monitoring Sub-committee A group that advises the study investigators by providing oversight for data monitoring

Next CAB Meeting: April 2, 2015 Noon – 2 pm Calvary Temple Baptist Church