Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF1
1. Regions of Knowledge under FP7 (*Info provided by the European Commission) 2. TRANS REG NCP services 3. Research-driven clusters: success stories
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF 3 Regions of Knowledge (RoK) FP7 new regional dimension, under Capacities Specific Programme CAPACITIES Research Infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of Knowledge: 126 Meuro Research Potential Science in Society Support to the development of coherent research policies International Cooperation
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF 4 Regions of Knowledge (RoK) Development of regional research-driven clusters to: Strengthen regions capacity for investing in RTD and carrying out research activities Produce research strategies that contribute to regional economic development
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF 5 Research-driven cluster under FP7-RoK Triple helix: At least one research entity, one business entity and one regional authority from the same geographical region Other actors (consultants, associations, etc.) and actors from different geographical area additionally to triple helix
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF 6 Research-driven cluster under FP7-RoK
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF 7 Open CALL: REGIONS Trans-national cooperation of regional research driven clusters Participants Consortia of at least 3 regional research-driven clusters from 3 different Member States or Associated countries Coordinator : either a regional authority or a fully fledged RDC (with legal entity) Enhancing the sustainable use of natural resources and of the natural and man-made environment, covering four themes: Water management, Forest management Soil and land management Waste management … in support of the Lead Markets Initiative
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF 8 Open CALL: REGIONS Deadline for submission : 27/01/2009 Budget: 16,1 Meuro (1-3 Meuro per project) Duration: up to 36 months Financing rate: up to 100 % of eligible costs Funding scheme: CSA –CA, coordinating action …and synergies with Structural Funds to reinforce R&D investment
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF 9 Open CALL: REGIONS Analysis, development and implementation of research agendas Mentoring of regions with a less developed research profile for capacity building (compulsory) Initiatives to improve integration: definition of joint action plans, business plans – following SWOT analysis and definition of RTD needs Measures towards the implementation of the JAP International cooperation activities (optional) Dissemination activities but: - JAP finalized during the first half of the project - Implementation of JAP/research not funded under RoK
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF Expected impact/outcome Regional economic growth and competitiveness through the definition of strategies integrating research Response to the needs of regional business communities Mobilisation of local, national and community funds (including SF) to implement defined regional action plans in support of regional economic development Increase in and more effective investment in R&D Inclusion of more regions into the ERA
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF 1. Regions of Knowledge under FP7 2. TRANS REG NCP services 3. Research-driven clusters: success stories
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF TRANS REG NCP Network Who We Are: European Network of National Contact Points for FP7 – RoK programme Consortium of 11 National Contact Points, representing all 36 NCPs Regional Partners from PL (Coordinator), RO, GR, BG, ES, DE, FR, LV, TR, LT, IT 4-year project, co-funded by EU FP7
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF TRANS REG NCP Network Who We Are: Support to trans-national cooperation MES CRA, Bulgaria Networking & Knowledge Transfer MER-NASR, Romania Trainings CSIC, Spain Dissemination EKT, Greece Coordinator: IPPT PAN, Poland
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF TRANS REG NCP Network What we target at: Provide high level services for information and support to potential participants Reduce the entry barriers for less experienced regional actors Enhance partnerships between different regional players Disseminate good practices and successful examples of research driven cluster Encourage synergies with other EU policies/networks for an integrated approach to the cohesion of regions in Europe.
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF TRANS REG NCP Network What We Offer: Comprehensive information for the programme (up-to-date information on the website, e-newsletter, FAQs, etc) Partner Search Facility: tool to promote trans-national cooperation among regional authorities, research organizations, enterprises, throughout Europe Success stories: successful examples of research driven cluster in Europe and third countries Information on complementary EU policies: links and contacts for other funding sources, Networks, etc. Dissemination at European level: promotion of research clusters in European events, electronic publications, etc.
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF Find on Funding opportunities Supporting documents Success stories Partner Search Facility RDC Database Links & Sources News & Events
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF Partner Search soon online! Dissemination of validated proposal ideas Promotion of trans- national cooperation between regional clusters Benchmarking/ exchange of know-how among clusters
18 Our Newsletter Calls Updates News & Events Online Publications Promote your own activities !
Conferences & Workshops Present in high level European events: Euroscience Open Forum (Barcelona, July 2008) Open Days (Brussels, October 2008) Workshops on research- driven clusters: Experts presentations, conclusions, tips online!
Georgia Tzenou, EKT/NHRF 1. Regions of Knowledge under FP7 2. TRANS REG NCP services 3. Research-driven clusters: success stories
Success story in Agrofood RAF Regions: Bringing the Benefits of Research to AgroFood SMEs of the Regions of Greece - Central Macedonia Italy-Puglia Bulgaria - Pazardjik Consortium: Technology Consultants Regional Authorities, SME Associations, Research Entities 30 months, Coordinator: Euroconsultants, Greece Project: 30 months,
RAF Regions Results Identification of key players and competencies in AgroFood Identification of key players and competencies in AgroFood Development, transfer and take-up of knowledge and research results for the AgroFood Industry Development, transfer and take-up of knowledge and research results for the AgroFood Industry Assessment of Regional AgroFood RTD needs Assessment of Regional AgroFood RTD needs Elaboration of Action Plan Elaboration of Action Plan Facilitation of the efficient programming and use of FP7, CIP, SF funding Facilitation of the efficient programming and use of FP7, CIP, SF funding Collaboration with European regions and projects (Food Cluster Initiative, FINE project, Food Valley organisation, ETP Food for Life) Collaboration with European regions and projects (Food Cluster Initiative, FINE project, Food Valley organisation, ETP Food for Life) Success story in Agrofood
BRIDGE BSR Project: Regions from Denmark, Germany, Poland, Finland, Latvia, Estonia 30 months, Coordinator: ScanBalt, Denmark Project: 30 months, * Info from projects presentation in the Open Days event, Brussels, 2008 Success Story on Life Sciences
Key Deliverables: Identifying barriers between academic research and SMEs, by analysis of: - Regional Innovation Strategies - Regional IP Bottlenecks - Regional Financing Bottlenecks Identifying barriers between academic research and SMEs, by analysis of: - Regional Innovation Strategies - Regional IP Bottlenecks - Regional Financing Bottlenecks Create and Implement a Joint SME Innovation Agenda Create and Implement a Joint SME Innovation Agenda Develop Shared SME Support Services between clusters Develop Shared SME Support Services between clusters Initiate a Top of Europe Life Science Foundation/Network Initiate a Top of Europe Life Science Foundation/Network Implement IP-Indicators and business models in 2 existing networks Implement IP-Indicators and business models in 2 existing networks Develop/Implement a Scoreboard model for cluster impact on regional economy Develop/Implement a Scoreboard model for cluster impact on regional economy * Info from projects presentation in the Open Days event, Brussels, 2008
More information: Thanks for your attention! Georgia Tzenou EKT/NHRF