Debrief 6: Megacognitive verbs © Crown copyright 2010, Department for Education These materials have been designed to be reproduced for internal circulation, research and teaching or training purposes. They can be reproduced for free provided that this material is acknowledged as Crown copyright, reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. Adaptation of these materials for other languages is permissible, providing the original source is acknowledged. LinkedUp project: Dovetailing online video and thinking skills strategies
Persisting Stick to it Remain focused Never give up discuter persister organiser Managing Impulsivity Take your time Think before you act Remain calm and thoughtful penser réflechir examiner considerer Listening to others Consider someone else’s point of view Consider all the options écouter examiner considerer évaluer Thinking flexibly Look at it another way Is your way the “right” way? considerer réflechir adapter évaluer Thinking about thinking What are you thinking What are you doing? What effect are you having on others? considerer discuter évaluer formuler penser clarifier Striving for accuracy and precision Check it again Always do your best Set high standards planifier remplacer clarifier Questioning and posing problems How do you know ? Have a questioning attitude Finding problems to solve demander discuter poser des questions faire une hypothèse Applying past knowledge to knew situations Use what you learn Transfer knowledge from place to place (and lesson to lesson) réflechir considerer appliquer adapter lier Qu’est ce que vous avez fait aujourd’hui?
Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision Be clear Avoid generalisations Make your point planifier justifier observer visualiser prédire négocier Gathering data through all the senses Know your natural way of learning and use it Work on your weaknesses Pay attention to the world around you considerer evaluer essayer juxtaposer tirer une conclusion Creating, imagining and innovating Try a different way Share ideas and try them Be original discuter créer formuler planifier imaginer Responding with interest and awe Have fun working it out It is OK to be amazed by things Be interested s’intéréser discuter imaginer Take responsible risks Plan carefully Be adventurous Try new things planifier formuler discuter lancer des idées faire un hypothèse Finding humour Laugh at yourself and with others Enjoy new and unexpected situations rire s’amuser aimer Thinking interdependently Work together Team work Learn from others travailler ensemble lier apprendre des autres discuter négocier Learning continuously Learning never ends Extend what you already know Expand what can already do classifier lancer des idées développer considerer