Dispelling HCV Myths February 2014
Myth vs. Fact There are many myths about hepatitis C. This slide presentation lists the myths on the slide and the information to debunk the myths on the notes page. Note: HCSP Fact Sheet “Dispelling HCV Myths” will provide more detailed information about this topic. February 2014
Myth?: Hepatitis C is a death sentence February 2014
Myth?: Everyone with hepatitis C should be treated with current HCV medications February 2014
Myth?: There are no effective medical treatments for hepatitis C February 2014
Myth?: Most people cannot tolerate the side effects of HCV medications February 2014
Myth?: Hepatitis C is a sexually transmitted disease February 2014
Myth ?: HCV viral load correlates with disease progression February 2014
Myth?: Genotype 1 is the “Worst” genotype February 2014
Myth?: HCV is an asymptomatic disease February 2014
Myth?: There is a vaccine for hepatitis C February 2014
Myth? Sharing household items such as razors and toothbrushes poses a very high risk for transmitting HCV February 2014