Recruiting and Retaining Dental Professionals in Remote/Rural Areas John Lyon Chief Administrative Dental Officer NHS Western Isles 1
Scottish Needs Assessment Report on Remote and Rural Dentistry 2007 “Efforts should continue to address the shortage of NHS dentists in remote and rural regions. NHS Boards should be encouraged to explore innovative methods of maximising recruitment” Scottish Needs Assessment Report on Remote and Rural Dentistry 2007 2
Western Isles Dental Centre Training of Dental Professionals Primary Care Dental Service Provision Delivery of Oral Health Improvement Programmes Provision of Specialist Dental Services 3
Dental Student Outreach Programme Dental students from Aberdeen University rotation to Stornoway throughout final year Dental Student Electives 4
Dental Hygienist/Therapist training BSc Oral Health Sciences from UHI 3 year programme, students based in Stornoway, Dumfries and Inverness Local students 5
Single-handed Dental Practitioners Professional isolation 6
Vocational Trainee Dentists Benbecula First year rural/remote experience after undergraduate qualification 7
Vocational Trainee Dentists Teamwork 8
Rural and Remote Dental Fellows Three year programme MSc qualification from Scottish Dental School Funded by NES Opportunities for further qualification 9
Out of Hours Dental Service Integration with national NHS 24 emergency dental services 10
Undergraduate Bursary Vocational Trainee Allowance (Designated Areas) Incentives Undergraduate Bursary Vocational Trainee Allowance (Designated Areas) “Golden Hello” (Designated Areas) Remote and Rural Allowance for NHS committed Dentists Scottish Dental Access Initiatives Grants Practice Improvement Grants 11
Thank you 12