CORPORATIONS AND EMPLOYEES Ronald F. White, Ph.D. Professor of Philosophy College of Mount St. Joseph
Introduction Are there moral limits to what employers can do to (or for) employees? Are there moral limits to what employees can do to (or for) employers?
Stockholder Theory Corporations to Employees Employees to Corporations
Stakeholder Theory –Corporations to Employees (and other stakeholders) –Employees to Corporations (and other stakeholders
Issues Reciprocal Rights and Duties –Problem of Monopoly- Corporate Monopoly Labor Monopoly (Unions) Issues –Whistle-Blowing –Hiring and Firing Affirmative Action Employment at will –Just Compensation Minimum wage Executive Compensation –Theories: »Patterned-merit, need, utility, equality »Unpatterned- market-based –Working Conditions Sexual Harassment –Privacy- (drug testing, , etc.)