Main – do the best job possible for the employer. Responsible, reliable, flexible, and honest USE TIME RESPONSIBLY RESPECT THE RULES WORK SAFELY EARN YOUR PAY
Make sure you are compensated fairly for the work you do Supplying what you need to do your job, providing safe working conditions and making sure you are treated fairly on the job Employee Support Safe Working Conditions Workers Compensation Fair Labour Practice – NB Labour, protection from discrimination, sexual harassment Performance Evaluations – probation period
Determined by a number of factors, including your experience, difficulty of work, and the number of people competing for the same job, Pay period differ – weekly, biweekly, semi monthly, monthly Hourly rate or Salary Deductions – Benefits Tips
Keep a positive attitude Respect yourself Respect others Resolving Conflict
Ethical Behavior (internal guidelines) right from wrong Does the choice comply with the law? Is the choice fair to those involved? Does the choice harm anyone? Can I live with the choice without embarrassment and guilt? TAKING RESPONSIBILITY – IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE ADMIT IT - LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES
The food service industry offers many advancement opportunities Advancement may involve a promotion or be at the same level Qualities need for advancement Show initiative – willing to take on new tasks and responsibilities. Don’t wait to be told. The desire to learn – continue education or training – formal classes, workshops or independent study
Can be uncomfortable Always leave on good terms – you may want to return or obtain a letter of reference Always give at least 2 weeks notice Work as if you were keeping the job.