Human Resources ◦ The people who work in a company Human Resources Division ◦ The division that handles the people within the company. They provide 8 major functions
1.Recruitment 2.Compensation and Benefits 3.Policies and Procedures 1.Employee Handbook 4.Regulatory Compliance 1.Equal Opportunity 2.Workers’ Rights: Minimum wage, overtimes, etc. 3.Safety Laws
5. Employee Performance (performance reviews) 6. Record Keeping 7. Labor Relations: Unions 8. Employee Retention: reduce turnover
As an HR rep, how would you handle each of the following scenarios: ◦ 1. A manager and an employee cant get along. They constantly fight and disagree to the point that it is distracting to the workforce. ◦ 2. An employee constantly shows up late to work ◦ 3. A female employee is accusing her male boss of sexual harassment. ◦ 4. An employee is asking for a raise ◦ 5. You need to hire 10 new employees by next week because you had a major layoff.