Steve Jesseph, CEO Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production April 1, 2011
Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production (WRAP) International, independent, non-profit organization. World’s largest social and environmental compliance factory certification program – 10,000 factories participated since 2000; 70 countries – Increasing acceptance by international brands, retailers and governments. Supported by 24 international trade associations and the Am Apparel & Footwear Assn, International Apparel Federation. 33 members, 250,000 companies.
Int’l Brands & Retailers: What Were They Accused Of? Child labor Forced labor Prison labor Poor health & safety conditions Lack of proper pay & benefits; excessive overtime Poor dormitory conditions
WRAP Principles Compliance with Laws Forced Labor Child Labor (age 14) Harassment and Abuse Compensation and Benefits Hours of Work Discrimination Health and Safety Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining Environment Customs Compliance Security
More Than Just Apparel & Footwear Jewelry – “Blood Diamonds” Electronics Toys Food/Produce Home Furnishings Furniture Oil/Natural Gas Leather processing Brick making Sports equipment Hotels and tourism – Cruise ships – Resorts Aquaculture Mining Flowers
Sustainability: Today’s Hottest Biz Word The Sustainability Consortium Sustainable Apparel Coalition Sustainability Institute GAFTI GSCP GEMI WRAP
Sustainable Development “social and economic advancement to assure human beings a healthy and productive life, but one that does not compromise the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.“ (Brundtland Commission, 1987)
World Nuclear Generation Stagnates For the second year in a row, global nuclear generating capacity has dropped slightly, reaching gigawatts (GW) at the end of Just over 1 GW of capacity was added during the year, as India and Japan each connected a new plant to the grid. At the same time, Japan closed two reactors and Lithuania one, so there were 2,506 GW worth of shutdowns.
I’m Hiring. What I Offer & Need: Meaningful work Teamwork environment Individual Projects Opportunity to Advance Travel Salary and Benefits Professional development Learn, grow, connect Smart people Hard working Willing to listen and learn Good communication skills Writing, speaking, organizing Self-confidence
What Do You Want? A Job Or A Career? Security or Big Rewards? Travel or Home by 5 pm? Routine or Diverse, Fast-paced Days? Challenges or Routine? Change the World or Go With The Flow?
Commitment & Involvement Commitment and involvement are like a ham and eggs breakfast. The chicken is involved. The pig is committed.
Change the World? “Never believe that a small group of dedicated (committed) people can’t change the world. In the end, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
Who Am I Hiring?